Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ribbons, Ribbons and more Ribbons!!
Compassion is super sexy, and ribbons support compassion. Ribbons make you feel sexy and compassionate.

I was driving to work about 8 months ago and noticed that the car ahead of me had like 5 magnetic support ribbons on the back of their car. A ribbon on the back of a car is like an advertisement to look at someone's car's backside. Sexy, right? I thought to myself that it was super sexy of this person to have 5 ribbons slapped all over the backside of their car. I assume they knew what they were doing when they arranged the magnets all sexy like that. It made me feel sexy thinking of how supportive this person must be and how they like to support sexy causes. I started fantasizing about supporting myself with a ribbon in super sexy ways and possibly sexing other ribbons with my support and ribboning sexy supporters. I was sexy and the ribbons ahead of me supported my sexy feelings. I decided to support the sexy ribbons on the car ahead of me and supported the sexy sports support ribbon. “Your magnetic support ribbons make my heart pound and my body sexualize”, I thought. Then, softly I whispered to the car in front of me, “Shhh. I’m rubbin’ your ribbon”.

I know you know what I'm talking about.

As sexy and supportive as those ribbons were, I thought, "if I had a ribbon for every time I saw a ribbon support magnet...". Then I began to wonder if we as sexy and compassionate Americans have enough ribbons? Isn’t there a worthy and sexy cause that needs its own sexy compassionate magnetic support ribbon but doesn't have one?

Any new ribbon has to be original. I don't want no stinking ribbon for the troops, breasts, aids, Jesus, Child Abuse, Pets, Peace, Pot, Steelworkers, USA, Patriotism, POW/MIAs, any sports team or any other played-out cause.

Then it hit me. They don't have a “Support the Supporters” Ribbon, do they?

So, now I’ve developed one. You should support this sexy and super compassionate American cause too.

To help with the launching of this new compassionate cause I’ve also developed a ribbon game. Next time you’re in your car, see how many ribbons you can count on your way in to work. I drive 30 miles each way to work, and I’ve counted over 100 ribbons during a one way drive. The rules are simple, you can count any ribbon in any lane (oncoming or traveling with you), parking lots, overpasses, etc… Anywhere there is a ribbon magnet counts.

Note: If you see anyone of color sporting a supporting ribbon, let the local authorities know. I don’t think anyone of color has ever purposely affixed a ribbon on their car. If you see one, the car is either stolen or was recently purchased used.

By Sexy Sports Magnet


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's hot.

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your mom's hot.

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like ribbons. My fave are robot ribbons.

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like ribbons.

11:13 AM  

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