Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Make Snow From Boiling Water!

Mount Washington, NH had a temperature of -37 the other day, so while it was about that cold (-34.8) the crew performed some boiling water into snow experiments. I could tell you about it, or you could just click this link and see for yourself!

by File Boy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent! I really enjoyed that. My first thought (and this is the god's honest truth) was "Oh! That's fake! How could they even get any water up there at -37 degrees!" Then I realized that all they had to do was fill a pot with snow and light a heat source (DUH!!!!)

Then I thought, "How much of my taxpayer money is being wasted by government sponsored studies up there on that frozen wasteland?"

And then I thought, why didn't somebody spit and make it freeze? I mean if a whole pot of BOILING water instantly turns to ice then what about some 98.6 degree spit?

FB? Care to comment?

11:53 AM  
Blogger S'girl said...

FB, I saw this on the news and thought to myself -- "That's a repeat because Fileboy already posted it months ago on this site. Must be a slow news day." Today I went back and tried to find it in the archives but cldn't. Must be my imagination. (However, I did find a rather bizarre article abt a Clark bar and a Halloween episode -- talk abt holding a grudge!)

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The old post is there somewhere - I'd guess around NOV or OCT.

They have done this before. This was just another example of how boiling water will freeze faster than room temperature water (or spit for that matter). There are a lot of sites dedicated to explaining this phenomenon. I'm not one of them; I just like cool movie clips.

As far as how much tax payer money goes towards this nonsense, I think none! I know the Observatory cameras and other science and experiments are driven by funds of the members of the Mt Washington observatory.

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah? Well my new thing is being totally obscure, irrelevant and particularly punch I'm then and there.

1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DT - What? You're punch then and there? What the hell does that mean?

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In case you care, I believe the phenomenon works the way it does because the bonds between the water molecules are weakened by bringing the water to the boiling point.

But then again, consistent with what I just said a few seconds ago, there's little never had of my fish alone so far few or sometimes.

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's national be totally obscure and irrelevant day! That's why I'm punch I'm then and there.
(It's an old Calvin & Hobbes refference - don't hurt yourself trying to figure it out. It's nonsense.)

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I think of Mount Washington, I think of another mountain I like so bad. CANDY MOUNTAIN!!!!!!!!!!

"Oh when you're down and looking for some cheering up
Then just head right on up to the Candy Mountian Cave
When you get inside you'll find yourself a cheery land
Such a Happy and joy filled and perky merry land
They've got Lollipops and gummy drops and candy things
Oh so many things that will brighten up your day
It's impossible to wear a frown in Candy Town!
It's the Mecca of love, the Candy Cave!
they've got jellybeans and coconuts with little hats candy rats chocolate bats its a wonderland of sweets find a candy train to town and hear the candy band candy bells its a treat as they march across the land cherry ribbons stream across the sky into the ground turn around be astound at the dacing candy treats in the candy cave imagination runs so free so now charlie please will you go into the cave *boom* "

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh get it now I do (an old Yoda reference).

Trapped gasses in the boiling water also the explanation might be.

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh please, there we are?"

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the source of every problem is trapped gas, but what do I know?

And by the way, I'll love you forever for giving me the words to the Candy Mountain song!!!!


3:25 PM  

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