Man Storms out of Room, Silent Bewilderment Ensues
Wilmington, DE - When 30 year old Jason Wilks sat down to dinner today, he had no intention of making this the day that he finally took a stand.
In what has become a long-established daily tradition at the Wilk's family home in Wilmington, dinner is served at 5:30 p.m., when the family returns home from a long day at work. Everyone except Jason, of course, who is still unemployed since his unexpected "lay-off" at Blockbuster video, shortly before Christmas.
Today, when the conversation turned to Jason's unemployment, the recent breakdown of his relationship with longtime girlfriend Kimberly Watson and Jason's inability to keep his room clean, Jason became frustrated.
Reports from the scene indicate that as the meal progressed, the feeling of anger and embarassment began to intensify in Jason when the family collectively mocked his intention to "...go get a job with one Blockbuster's competitors"."Why do you always shit on all of my dreams" Jason shouted rhetorically as he ran out of the room.
"He told us that he was laid-off because of corporate downsizing" Jason's older brother told reporters. "I don't know if he expects us to believe that after its happened to him 400 times over the past 3 years".
Early indications are that the family plans to continue to shit on Jason's dreams "...until he gets a job and cleans up his room" his father said after the incident.
by File Boy
Hey man, you shouldn't make fun of white trash! If it wasn't for white trash, you wouldn't be able to:
1. Get fries with that;
2. Get your car fixed;
3. Have your table bussed;
4. Get a lapdance;
5. Have grocery carts waiting
for you at the door to the
6. Buy beer;
7. __________________;
8. __________________;
9. __________________;
7. Have a trailor park across from your $350k home.
8. Watch Nascar racing all day on Sundays
9. Go to WalMart.
10. Not know who your baby's daddy is.
S'girl's right in there with a couple of zingers! Nice.
Actually FB - I've known people like the gentlemen shown seated in the picture accompanying this post – Hell, I’ve worked with them! (No. I’m not talking about you!) And I have to be honest with you, they’re so similar and have so many of the same characteristics, that it’s hard not to wonder if there’s a genetic component.
I’m not kidding. I actually read a couple of studies when I was in college studying psychology that convincingly (to me) suggested that poverty is as much a genetic factor as it is societal. The study was backed up with all kinds of cool data showing things like people born into a particular class normally stay in that class and never migrate out and that in society, by and large, people stay in their class. It may be partially caused by genetics. In my opinion, all you have to do is just LOOK at these people. I mean to me, they look alike the same way all those Downs Syndrome kids look like they all have the same mom and dad! And I think the same is true with homosexuality. There HAS to be a genetic component to that. I mean how else could anyone logically explain the attraction to male ass? C’mon, think about it. Plus, they just look different! And I’m not talking about in a way that is achievable with six hours of free time, a Macy’s credit card and a waxing. I mean so many of those um guys look er, different.
What say you?
I took tht psych class too and unfortunately I have to agree w/you. There is definitely a genetic component. I think -- no, I know -- an individual can overcome their genetics w/hard work and determination but I fear there will always be something in their core tht is always trying to come to the surface. Those people fight a strong battle btw genetics and environment. This theory might help to explain why what appear to be "perfectly normal" men and women get married only to find out later tht one of them is actually gay. Why actors and actresses who seem to have all the right social manners and all the money they need to "dress themselves up" still can't help it when their guard is down to go out in public w/out underpants or get arrested for DUI only to throw racial slurs at anyone who will listen. Genetics almost always wins -- the trick is diligence and hard work.
. . . and underpants. It all starts with underpants. You can try as hard as you want and take all the right etiquette classes. But if you're not wearing underpants, it's just going to be hard to get the other person to notice anything else. I think we're all addicted to crack - (either the kind in the front or the kind in the back)
FB - S'Girl found this and thought it would be an appropriate post for you or at least a comment under this section. Click on this: Warning! Limit Intake of NJ Squirrel Meat
This rocks!
First let me tell you that you are both at least somewhat wrong. Before I prove it to you, I'll tell you that the reason people want you to believe that poverty is genetic is because if it were, then we'd have to feel more sorry for these people, who have the poverty disease or genetic mutation. This is of course also true of homosexuality. If its genetic, it can't be a sin, and it must be just another minority class waiting to happen. If sexuallity is genetic, what happens if pedophiles claim that their sexual desires are pre-programmed as well? etc...
Now, here's the proof. The person who is the hero of this story is my brother, who is closer to me genetically than any other person on the planet. I'm not a Rockefeller, but I do ok. He does not do ok, nor does he do anything. It was his choice. And the story wasn't meant to be a story about white trash, because I don't think of him as white trash, but rather someone who saw all that life throws at any one of us, and chose the flight path instead of the fight path. He had every opportunity I did, but works at Blockbuster and asks us to stop shitting on all of his dreams at holiday dinners. You know, Abe Lincoln was born in a one room log cabin, and he cured cancer and invented microwaves. So poor people can rise above. C'mon, it can't be genetic.
I agree with S'girl though, that people can work against what they are predisposed to do, but that requires a fight instinct on their part, and after all, isn't it easier to just stick one's hand out for the dole (or rear out for the pole if you want to go that route)?
OK - more on "Jason Wilks" to follow. I have a book on that kid.
One other comment, if homosexuals are unable to reproduce, and that is because they are unattracted to the opposite sex, which is necessary to reproduce, and genetics are a way to pass on more successful means of survival (survival of the fittest through progeny), then of course we must say that homosexuals are genetically inferior to us. The same can be said of poor people. Arguably, the poorer you are (think of all of history, not just the last 100 years with welfare), the less children you are able to afford, and the more likely those children will be undernourished and not given proper medical attention. Therefor, poor people are less likely to raise as many children (again think of 200 years ago and all of human existence), which means they have inferior genes as well. I don't agree with any of this - just pointing out that you would have to accept this as a result of your argument.
I'm hitting the "bring beer" button on my JVC remote and I'm getting nothing here. Little help?
Check to see if you put the batteries in the right way, Abe.
I have all the batteries in my possession -- my vibrator was running low.
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