Monday, January 22, 2007

Are you a Redneck/White Trash?

The answer may surprise you! Answer these simple questions and find out. Select the answer that best describes you.

1.) Confederate Flags
a.) I fly one in my front yard

b.) I own or have owned an article of clothing with a confederate flag on it (includes Civil War t-shirts, bandanas, and southern rock band logos)
c.) I don’t fly one, but I have family members that do/someone in my family has a rebel flag piece of clothing
d.) I think South Carolina ought to be able to fly a confederate flag in public places, since it is part of their heritage
e.) I hate it, and all that it represents
2.) The South
a.) I believe the south will “rise again”, and when it does I’ll be ready to join up.
b.) I don’t actually believe it will ever happen, but I like to fantasize about the south “rising again”
c.) I am related to someone who is anxiously awaiting a re-birth of the glorious south
d.) I respect people who wish the north hadn’t won the civil war, and I understand the pain and embarrassment of losing the civil war, but c’mon, let’s turn the page
e.) I hate the south, I’m glad the Yankees crushed you hicks, and I hope you burn in hell.
3.) College
a.) Never heard of it
b.) Sounds familiar, but not interested
c.) I have family that once attended for a semester
d.) I went to a community college for a little while
e.) I have a degree in something
4.) Tattoos
a.) I have my friend’s name (may he rest in peace) on my forehead
b.) I have someone else’s name on my body
c.) I have under three tattoos, all of which are in places you won’t see unless I want you to
d.) I have a tattoo, hidden, and not larger than a bread box
e.) I don’t have a tattoo, and I think they are bad. You’ll only regret them later
5.) Hound Dogs/Hunting
a.) I hunt everything that I am allowed to hunt, and a couple things I’m not supposed to. I own a hound dog
b.) I hunt, but I follow all of the rules. No hound dog
c.) I have family members who have hunted.
d.) I fish sometimes in the summer
e.) Hunting? The only thing I hunt for is the remote control.
6.) Transportation
a.) It is a man’s birthright to own a truck, and there should be testicles hanging off the back, prominently displayed. Rebel flag bumper stickers or antenna flags add flare.
b.) I drive a truck, and there have been dead animals in the back of it, no flags, no balls on truck
c.) My dad once owned a truck. My mom made him sell it.
d.) I own a station wagon or SUV, does that count?
e.) They don’t yet make a hybrid truck
7.) Work
a.) While I’m at work, I can swear and say whatever I want, we’re all guys and there’s no rules there’s no dress code either
b.) While I’m at work, I have to be careful what I say, but I can wear jeans and sneakers every day
c.) I have to wear a uniform, which must be clean, but I read some bad stuff in the bathroom which made me laugh
d.) I wear business casual every day (possibly a casual Friday), but I must watch what I say, and practice professional conduct at all times
e.) Same as above, but I have to wear a suit at least once per week
8.) Guns
a.) I own more guns than I can count. I plan to buy more
b.) I own a few hunting guns, and I like them, but I don’t get to shoot as often as I’d like
c.) My dad has a .22 hidden somewhere in his house that I’ll probably inherit one day, but my wife will be mad about it. I have shot a gun at least once in my life.
d.) I had a bb-gun when I was a kid
e.) Guns are very scary, people who own them scare me, my children won’t be allowed to have a slingshot
9.) Church/Temple/Religion
a.) I don’t even own any clothing nice enought to wear to any religious ceremony

b.) I go to church or temple twice per year (Christmas and Easter, or for big days)
c.) I was raised as a church/temple goer, but haven’t gone in years
d.) I try to go as much as possible, but I admit I should go more. I probably go once per month.
e.) I go every Sunday/Saturday/once per week.
10.) Women (to be answered by men, if you are a woman, replace “women/woman” with “minority” and “man/men” with “you”)
a.) I believe they are getting uppity, and I wish they’d stop hiring so many of them at work
b.) I like women at work because they are nice to look at
c.) My mom is a woman(/my dad became a woman), so I guess I’m coming around to seeing them as equals
d.) I’m ready to treat them as equals, and I’d hire a woman if I were in charge
e.) Women are smarter then men, as a man I’m afraid of them, and need one around the tell me what to do

Now, let’s see how you did. Count up how many of each you agreed with. For every A, give yourself 5 points, B = 4 points, C = 3 points, D = 2 points and E = 1 point. If you scored between 40 and 50, you are a redneck or possibly white trash. For scores between 27 and 39, you are a redneck sympathizer. You probably are married to a redneck or come from a white trash family. For scores of 14-26, You are about average. You’re doing your best to embrace change and you’ve tried to lead the best life you can. For scores of 10-13, you may be a gay. If you scored less than 10, you are just retarded.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incidentally, I just did the test and scored a 30, so I guess I'm either a redneck sympathizer, married to one, or come from white trash. But I was on the low end of the scale for that (27-39). Not sure how I feel about that. Its hard when you are confronted with the truth, and its right there in black and white. So how'd you do?

3:57 PM  
Blogger S'girl said...

Isn't the category of FOOD missing from this survey? Such as, "Do you cook your meals on the engine while driving to your momma's house?" "I use plastic utensils for my day-to-day stuff and have a matching set of Howard Johnson's for company." "Gourmet food is anything they sell pickled in a jar at the local pool hall." "My idea of eating out is to kill a squirrel and bar-b-que him on an open 50 gal drum." etc, etc.

(BTW, I don't need to take the test unfortunately I come from a long line of PWT.)

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

S'Girl, I heard that! And I respectfully disagree. Now don't make me force you to go out back and get a willow branch!

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I scored a 23. And some There was no good answer so I estimated where I was philosophically on the red neck scale. Like I don't fish anymore but used to all summer long as a kid and miss it. I used to own guns and was on my way to being a gun fag! But prescription medication, and guns don't mix, so I sold them (but I miss them!)
OH! Hey!

What's the last thing a Red Neck says before he dies?

"Hey!! Watch This!"

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I scored a 28... Not too bad. I suppose I'm fixin' to be married to a Red Neck... or at least a Red Neck Sympathizer.

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad that we aren't all afraid to admit our redneck tendencies. The results speak volumes about our readership, subject matter, and our readiness to "shoot stuff".

On a related note, I've noticed several people from overseas have checked out our site (thanks to DTkon and his babel fish translater link). I wonder what someone from China, Spain or Germany would think about rednecks (and how would they score?? - I'm going to guess in the "retard" or "a gay" category, but then again, remember folks, I'm a "redneck sympathizer"). After all, they must be familiar with the concept, since a redneck just so happens to be the most powerful man on the planet.

See, even if you disagree with the views and opinions espoused here, its good to get to know them and understand our lunacy. Could come in handy to our friends from across the pond, since dubbya is in office.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm ok with foreigners looking at our site, as long as they're not French! French people have no right looking at anything that has to do with guns or shooting anything. If they want to look at web sites, they can go look at Why I Wave A White Flag at

It's a great site. It has all kinds of useful information like "How to run away while looking over your shoulder and not run into things"; "How to play dead and live to tell about it"; "How to sympathize and harbor the most detestable human beings on the planet without losing your lunch"; "How to run away faster in three easy steps"; "Conflict avoidance for beginners"; "Here's the keys to my Country - go ahead, keep them."; "Geeze, I can surrender or eat some more brie. Please pass the brie!”; “Love thy Nazi neighbor – love thyself”; “No no! This way! Right through Calais! It’s much shorter to England that way. – Let me hold the door for you.”; Flag-waiving injuries and how to heal them”; And much much more!

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

D- Your rant about the French reminds me...last night I saw on some entertainment program that there was an african-american actor who made some sort of gay joke, and then unappropriately apologized for it during an awards show. Then there was this huge outcry from the gay community. In fact several gay activist groups were planning to meet with this guy (and he was going to have to meet with them and apologize some more).

Did anyone catch the significance of this (or even know what I'm talking about??). This means that gay americans have now surplanted african americans as the minority of choice! If you are an african american, you have been put on notice, you now are one of us (the majority), since you are no longer alowed to say whatever comes to mind, and the gay community may now trump your race card at any given time. Essentially, the gays have said to black people: "Move over sweethearth, we're here, we're queer and we're in your fathe".

To the african american faction I want to offer the rebel flag in truce to you, and welcome you into our arms. Together we can embrace our majority, and reflect on how much we have hurt others. It feels good to finally be united. Together we can apologize profusely, realize the error of our ways, and hope to one day improve ourselves and seek enlightenment. I smell post in this.

10:09 AM  

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