Friday, January 12, 2007


Foreign Vulgarity versus the Domestic Variety – Have we let down our International Counterparts?

To find the answer, the editors have scoured the very depths of the internet (and our own experiences) and bring you the following…

Most would argue that English obscenities are a pale shadow of the invective used in other languages. The F-word is the least of it. If there's a language that doesn't have the equivalent of the F’ word, I've yet to hear about it. Poles have pierdolic, the French foutre (from the Latin futuere), Soviet Georgians secems ... you get the idea.

And what about the Italian fangooloo (in my neck of the woods I always heard fongool)? According to Kevin Beary's Florentine Locutions (1991), it's properly spelled vaffanculo, a contraction of “va a fare in culo”, and literally means "go do [it] in the ass," (i.e., bugger off, f_ck off, and f_ck you). Some Italians affirm that the “ass” referred to is that of one's interlocutor, while others assert that the orifice in question is not yours or mine or anyone's in particular, but rather the universal anus," Beary says.

Hmmm, not bad, but are there others? Vaffanculo is merely the best known of a rich tradition of Italian oaths and imprecations. Not to be left out the Dutch dabble in some damnings as well.

In Dutch profanity, I like that Eikel can mean both dickhead and acorn, obviously owning to the Dutchman's underendowment. (Pardon my editorial chuckle, ha-ha). Ahem.

The Dutch also have a saying, Krig de mazelen, "May you get the measles". Not bad, but seems to be lacking.

What about this one: Matumbo yangu huzaa maradhi, "My womb has born a disease," Swahili. Said by a mother to a disobedient child. I think this one rings a bell to me, sadly.

Ooh, here’s a good one: La reputisima madre que te recontra mil pario, "The twice most whorish mother that bore you again and again one thousand times," Spanish (Argentina).

Mabial agpi-agpi ke mabial nganswang, "[You have] very short breasts like the breasts of a porcupine," Dinga (spoken in Zaire). Or: Dem inear-inear, "[You have a] greatly lined and wrinkled belly."

Melewe silom we ie maragus, "Your mother has yaws," Ulithian (Ulithi is a coral atoll in the Pacific.) Also: Falfulul silom, "Your mother's pubic tattooing!"

But unquestionably the best one is as follows: Bi damaghi babat rydam, "I shit on your father's nose," Farsi (Iran). Also: Guz bi rishit, "May a fart be on your beard." YES!! That’s what I want to tell people every day here at work. Guz bi rishit!

What English lacks in creativity is more than made up for in its signature simplicity. In fact many would argue that we have perfected it. After all, where else would you hear someone tell you to go f' your mother, eat one, f' off, eat sh_t, and shove it up your a$$? String these together and you have an America specialty.

Clearly we don't lack potential, just ambition.

By File Boy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had to post something so I wouldn't see that terrible snow man every time I opened this page. Terrible, terrible snow man.

11:33 AM  
Blogger S'girl said...

Thanks so much for posting something -- I've had to be pretty quick on the mouse to avoid anyone looking over my shldr into my cube and seeing Mr. Snowman!

As for this post, again I'm increasing my vocabulary every day just by reading this blog! Now I have new insults to hurl at my co-workers (altho under my breath because some of them wld beat the crap out of me). My favorite one here being "You have very short breasts like those of a porcupine." Since most of my coworkers are female (and some look like porcupines), this seems most appropriate!

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, it's Dr. Snow, not Mr. Snowman, or terrible terrible snow man - just Dr. Snow (a.k.a. FB)

Second, it's wonderful to see you two getting a long again. Let's keep it that way.

Third, I love this post. I always knew that FB was a cunning linguist, and this is absolutely proof of that!

I can't top any of these wonderful explitives, but I do want to say that one of the funniest things I've ever heard is non-english speaking folks trying to curse at me (or in front of me.) Here are some of the best ones I ever heard (getting out my list)

1. God Damn for your mother! Too much she is bitch!

2. Fuck! Fuck for you - you are my ass!

3. AH! So much Fuck I give for you!

You get the idea.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll say it again, Sgirl and I never didn't get along - THOSE COMMENTS FROM YESTERDAY WEREN'T FROM ME - I'm not "local hunter". Sheesh. Are you guys messing with me? I figured the local hunter was Dtkon - but maybe it was actually a local hunter.

My absolute fave has to be either fart in your beard or shit on your father's nose. I don't think you can put it any better than that. So go fart on your father's shitty nose and pound sand you american pig.

1:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I insist that you post more articles like this! You are a CUNNING LINGUIST! CUNNING LINGUIST! CUNNING LINGUIST!!!

I love saying that.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest you retitle this post

"God Damn For Your Mother! She Is Too Much Bitch!"

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it... I love watching the three of you blame each other for someone else posting a comment on this site.

I, Local Hunter, actually am a local hunter. In fact yesterday I got picked for one of the best areas, on one of the best days to go turkey hunting. Although I may pass... I'll just stick to "hunting" "turkeys" like S'Girl!!

And I did have a problem with S'Girl's comments yesterday. In fact I have a problem with most of her comments... the worst was that stupid crap about Mother Shana. Just plain Dumb.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow local hunter, you are very opinionated, but we like that around here. Glad to have you around. Please make yourself at home and feel free to browse he archives for your reading pleasure. We love local hunters. I myself am a local hunter, though I didn't get picked for turkey hunting. Sounds like fun though.

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

File Boy claimed: "To find the answer, the editors have scoured the very depths of the internet and bring you the following...."

Nice try, Boy. Most of the "very depths of the internet" actually is my series of books called Maledicta: The International Journal of Verbal Aggression from which most of the exotic and foreign-language insults and curses were swiped without crediting the source.

I edit Maledicta and have typeset every word in the 13 volumes (3,500+ pages), thus I know exactly from which volume and page File Boy's "internet" insults come from. The Dutch ones, for example, were taken from Maledicta 13 (2005), pages 103-107:

Web-page authors, bloggers, professors, and others have swiped stuff from Maledicta for decades. What pisses me off is their dishonesty of not acknowledging their source, Maledicta. This practice really sucks.

As far as "D. Tkon (aka 'Mr. Ass-Hat')" goes: "I insist that you post more articles like this! You are a CUNNING LINGUIST! CUNNING LINGUIST! CUNNING LINGUIST!!!"

No, I am the world-renowned "Cunning Linguist" and have used this moniker since 1977; see:

Reinhold Aman, Ph.D.
Editor & Publisher
P.O. Box 14123
Santa Rosa, CA 95402, USA

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a test. What does a do? Shit!

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reinhold Aman, first let me say thank you for the use of a small part of the Maledicta, which I credited in the original article (I later revised the article to remove the overly offensive God and Christ vulgarities after attending church on Sunday and feeling guilty about posting anything so vulgar). Interesting that you poin out that File Boy didn't scour the internet to find that material, and then you post an internet web site address to prove it. Is it mistakes like that which have left you an angry editor scouring the internet for swipers of your tripe?

Also, for the record, the material used in the article did come from the internet, and included multiple sites (wikipedia article on foreign vulgarity and the Straight Dope Archives, both of which used the material from the Maledicta). If in fact you authored any of the material used, keep up the good work. I look forward to swiping more in the future.

P.S. You're a dickhead. How's that for Domestic vulgarity?

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey wait a minute! I just went back and re-read the post, and I did credit Maledicta: "Sanford Margalith, writing in Maledicta 10, fondly recalls..."

Since I credited the author of the book, but not the typesetter too, I apologize. I'd also like to thank the publisher, the paper company whose paper was used, the glue company for binding the book, the trees who gave so lovingly of their limbs for the paper, my eyes should be thanked for looking at the words written...

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

File Boy said...

Reinhold Aman, first let me say thank you for the use of a small part of the Maledicta, which I credited in the original article (I later revised the article to remove the overly offensive God and Christ vulgarities after attending church on Sunday and feeling guilty about posting anything so vulgar). Interesting that you poin out that File Boy didn't scour the internet to find that material, and then you post an internet web site address to prove it. Is it mistakes like that which have left you an angry editor scouring the internet for swipers of your tripe?

No mistake, twit. I showed the URL for the contents of volume 13 of Maledicta where the Dutch article is listed. That URL ("internet web site address") does not show any of the Dutch insults you cited, nor is this information available on the Net. Whoever compiled these Dutch insults for your post had access to the book and copied them.

Also, for the record, the material used in the article did come from the internet, and included multiple sites (wikipedia article on foreign vulgarity and the Straight Dope Archives, both of which used the material from the Maledicta).

In that case, it is your ethical duty to cite your sources mentioned above, which in turn lead the reader to the original source, Maledicta. Ethical scholars and other ethical folks always show their sources. Many bloggers are unethical scum and/or anonymous cowards or are too stupid to know that one's sources must be credited. Didn't you ever take English 101, where such anti-plagiarism rules are taught?

If in fact you authored any of the material used, keep up the good work. I look forward to swiping more in the future.
P.S. You're a dickhead. How's that for Domestic vulgarity?

9:01 AM  

File Boy said...

Hey wait a minute! I just went back and re-read the post, and I did credit Maledicta: "Sanford Margalith, writing in Maledicta 10, fondly recalls..."
Since I credited the author of the book, but not the typesetter too, I apologize.

Jesus, what a moron. Margalith is the author of one of many articles in volume 10, not the author or editor or publisher of that 320-page book. Typesetters are never credited; I just mentioned that I also typeset this multilingual series of books to prove that I know exactly from which volume, page and line a specific insult was swiped. In addition, just lamely mentioning the word "Maledicta" is not properly crediting the source.

I'd also like to thank the publisher, the paper company whose paper was used, the glue company for binding the book, the trees who gave so lovingly of their limbs for the paper, my eyes should be thanked for looking at the words written...

Silly crap. Besides, Maledicta is not glued cheaply but its signatures are sewn, as in any high-quality book. But such information is wasted on the ignorant masses and brainless Web surfers.

Keep swiping from wherever, but do credit your sources in order to retain some credibility. Bye, Boy.

4:07 PM  
Blogger File Boy & D.Tkon said...

Mr. Aman, first let me say that you seem to be a nice fellow, so why don't you run along and peddle your puppies elsewhere?

I can promise you that I won't be quoting any further from the Maledicta book. The fact that it was even quoted in the first place was incidental, as in fact I was quoting other web sites, which quoted Maledicta. In any event, I think we've thoroughly credited every possible person involved in the authoring, publishing and book binding of this trivial book. I have no interest in reading it, quoting from it, purchasing it, crediting it or acknowledging it ever again.

For your own edification, I'll let you in on a secret. Blogs are supposed to be anonymous (shhh!), and not scholarly works, per se.

What I have posted here on the site are my own words, and when I use anyone else's, I give credit to that person, if I can remember where I got the info, and if I feel like it. I have no inclination to pretend I've written something that I haven't. Honestly.

Since you readily admit that you did not author the book mentioned, and you obviously didn't invent the phrases used in the book, I'd think you'd be happy that someone even noticed you and the book in the first place. The fact that a typesetter gets to fret and strut upon the stage of a blog that he does not own or contribute to should be thanks enough for you.

Everyone knows you are a smart man, you are witty, and intelligent, and you always site your sources. You are a brilliant doctor, and I'm just glad you've dedicated your career, your education and your life to typesetting books about dirty words in foreign languages. Thank you ever so much for everything you have done for this blog, we really appreciate it. Everyone: Please go visit his site and buy his book.

Now, leave me alone before I make a fool of myself.

(The above was borrowed with permission from File Boy's brain).

8:45 AM  

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