Workers Eager to Celebrate Life of Martin Luther King
Most workers are excited to have the day off on Monday, January 15th to celebrate the life and times of Dr. Martin Luther King.
“I’ll probably sleep-in and then get up and make something to eat” said John Lyville of East Rutherford, NJ.
In 1986, Martin Luther King Day was established as a Federal United States holiday. It was only the fourth Federal holiday to honor an individual (the other three being in honor of Jesus of Nazareth, George Washington and Christopher Columbus).
“I still haven’t taken down my Christmas tree, so I’ll probably do that at some point during the day” said Byron Adams of Milford, DE.
“I’m going to change the oil in my car” reported Hank Lawrence, a school teacher at William Penn High School.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was a famous leader of the American civil rights movement, a political activist, and a Baptist minister. In 1964, King became the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (for his work as a peacemaker, promoting nonviolence and equal treatment for different races).
“This is great because it falls right in the middle of January shotgun deer season” said a man who wished to remain anonymous.
On April 4, 1968, Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. In 1977, he was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Jimmy Carter. In 2004, King was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.
“That’s-a so nice-a. In honor of-a Dr. King, I will-a make-a the special of-a 10 wings-a, a soda, and a pizza for-a the low price-a of ah $10-ollars-a” said Smyrna pizza owner, Giovanni Puccini.
Dr. King was known as a great public speaker. Dr. King often called for personal responsibility in fostering world peace. King's most influential and well-known public address is the "I Have A Dream" speech, delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
By File Boy
Most workers are excited to have the day off on Monday, January 15th to celebrate the life and times of Dr. Martin Luther King.
“I’ll probably sleep-in and then get up and make something to eat” said John Lyville of East Rutherford, NJ.
In 1986, Martin Luther King Day was established as a Federal United States holiday. It was only the fourth Federal holiday to honor an individual (the other three being in honor of Jesus of Nazareth, George Washington and Christopher Columbus).
“I still haven’t taken down my Christmas tree, so I’ll probably do that at some point during the day” said Byron Adams of Milford, DE.
“I’m going to change the oil in my car” reported Hank Lawrence, a school teacher at William Penn High School.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was a famous leader of the American civil rights movement, a political activist, and a Baptist minister. In 1964, King became the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (for his work as a peacemaker, promoting nonviolence and equal treatment for different races).
“This is great because it falls right in the middle of January shotgun deer season” said a man who wished to remain anonymous.
On April 4, 1968, Dr. King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. In 1977, he was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Jimmy Carter. In 2004, King was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.
“That’s-a so nice-a. In honor of-a Dr. King, I will-a make-a the special of-a 10 wings-a, a soda, and a pizza for-a the low price-a of ah $10-ollars-a” said Smyrna pizza owner, Giovanni Puccini.
Dr. King was known as a great public speaker. Dr. King often called for personal responsibility in fostering world peace. King's most influential and well-known public address is the "I Have A Dream" speech, delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
By File Boy
This is perfect! I was waiting for you to cross the line and say all of the things neither of us will say or even admit we think. A few times you I thought you were about to go there. It was a very nice tease. If only we were a just a little more anonymous. The wings and pizza special rocks! I love it that folks are getting the day off and doing nothing with it. The whole time I’m reading your post I couldn’t help thinking, WAIT! What about all of those folks who are already unemployed. They don’t get a day off from being unemployed – in fact they get nothing! Aren’t they being dissed somehow? Isn’t it prejudicial for the Fed to only honor EMPLOYED people? I see a lawsuit coming.
If he hadn't been home in bed loafing and sleeping, he'd uh never had that dream in the first place!
D- I see your point. Unemployed people ought to have a day off from being unemployed. On every Federal holiday all of the unemployed people have to earn their keep. We're only talking what, 15 days per year? They could go out and pick up trash or take recycling in to the drop-off centers (employed people could just leave their recycling on the curb for the unemployed to pick up). When its warm out, the unemployed could spend the day comemorating our Independence (or whatever holiday it is) by mowing the lawns of people who live nearby. THAT WOULD BE A HOLIDAY. These people could visit the hospitals, the prisons and old folks homes and spread cheer and good will.
If nothing else, the unemployed should take the day off of the dole. No welfare on these days, its the least they can do.
That's the dream I have.
I totally messed this one up. Title should have been: Area Businesses Commemorate MLK day with Mattress, Used Car sales...
Area Farmers MLKing Cows on Day Off.
MLK day parade ruined! Promotors blame mix-up when wrong "King" Impersonators Arrive...
I like the last one - wrong king impersonators.
When I said that the unemployed should have a day off, I didn't mean that they should work on that day! That would be a double diss. What I meant is that for them to have a day off, someone else should come to their houses and sit on the front step doing nothing, so they don't have to. Someone else should go to the liquor store and open their beers for them, so they don't have to. Someone else should cross the street in front of my car against a red light and give me dirty fucking stares so they don't have to. Someone else should lie passed out on their porch with a needle in their arm so they don't have to. Someone else should have to run from the cops so they don't have to. Someone else should put gas in their Honda Accords with the doors open and some humming/thrumming sound pounding out at 135 decibels so they don't have to. Get it?
got it. good point. But I like my take on it better. I prefer these people get to work, or free up the surplus population.
"A day ON, not a day OFF."
On January 15, 2007, as we celebrate the 21st anniversary of the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday, hundreds of thousands of Americans across the country will remember and memorialize Dr. King by participating in service projects in their communities.
I personally have already signed up to be a "place-holder" for my local town drunk so he doesn't lose his cardboard box on recycle day while he goes to get his welfare check.
I had considered signing up for the graffiti project, but the fumes wld probably go to my head and remind me how much fun it wld be to get high and this day is supposed to be abt them, not me.
(P.S. In reality, my particular employer doesn't believe in federal holidays so my next official paid holiday will be Memorial day!)
My employer wasn't interested in these federal holidays either, but then decided to give it to us for the first time this year with a promise that no other holidays would disappear as a result. However, last year we had off two days for 4th of July, this year we only get one - is it because its on a wednesday, or is it a conspiracy? You decide. Go ahead, decide. I'm waiting.
Yeah . . . just give me 20 minutes behind the desk in the WHITE house. You'd see some real work get done. There'd be a whole lot of people working after my 20 minutes.
..working to clean up the mess you created as a result of pushing tht red button?
S'Girl's in a mood today I see. Well, I guess we all get angry from time to time. Just make sure you save some for everyone else! You don't want to waste ALL of your venom here. You have to spread it around!
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