Thursday, January 04, 2007

67-Year-Old Gives Birth to Twins

MADRID, Spain -- Hospital officials in Barcelona say a 67-year-old woman has given birth to twins.

Mother and boys are reportedly doing well, though the newborns were in incubators. They were delivered by Caesarean section Friday.
Officials said the woman had undergone in vitro fertilization outside of Spain.

A 66-year-old Romanian woman gave birth to a daughter two years ago.

Both women and the stories surrounding their remarkable pregnancies have grossed out dudes all over the world.

By File Boy


Blogger S'girl said...

...grossed out dudes, huh? Think abt those poor babies having to breast feed those mommas!

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hadn't even thought of that! Plus when the kids are age 20, the women will be in their late 80s, if they are even still alive. One generation leaving the diaper stage, the other entering it. One getting their driver's licenses, the other having their's revoked. One generation purchasing a home, the other being put in one.

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess what they say is true. 67 is the new 27.

3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and 67 is super sexy baby, yeah!

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's several sites on the internet dedicated to MILFs - which (I've been told) stands for "Moms I'd Like to Fuck". These ladies obviously won't be in the running.

What's the record for the oldest woman still to have her period?

Now there's a story for you to research FB. I mean, after a certain point, doesn't it just become redundant? I mean do they have to wear a sanitary napkin AND a Depends? That would seem a little bulky to me. And just forget about trying to hide panty-lines. Wheeeew!

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen my trashcan? I'm heaving...hold on....(hack, cough) ok, now I feel better. Oh wait, ... (short pause, sounds of crying, toilet flushing)...

Wheew, ok. Wow. I uh, ... wow.

I'm back. You want me to research what now? Granny diapers and periods? I don't think I can stomach that. I'm sorry. I just don't think I want to delve any further into this topic... whooa (hack)...(tears, drool)... please don't make me...oh God...

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok File Boy - I'll handle the tough assigments then. >Putting on crash helmet and getting out an umbrella<

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well File Boy, I finished my research and I've learned much. Here's what we now know:

1. Your posting is an accurate portrayal of what actually happened in Spain;

2. This is the record for the oldest live birth and oldest birth of twins;

3. One of the most astounding facts is that if this birth had occurred in the United States, it would have been covered by Medicare!!;

4. D.Tkon can’t find any records regarding the oldest menstruating woman (which I’m told can continue long after a woman stops being fertile);

5. You can menstruate and be incontinent at the same time, so my Kotex/Depends problem remains valid;

6. AND the most important discovery of all is this – Once a woman’s Bitch cycle is triggered by menstruation, neither infertility nor the change of life will put an end to that, so we're fucked.

3:31 PM  

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