And now for today’s installment of Borrowed from the Headlines…
5-Year-Old Accused Of Sexual Harrassment
Boy Pinched Girl's Buttocks
HAGERSTOWN, Md. -- A Maryland kindergarten student has been accused of sexual harassment and written up.
The 5-year-old boy pinched a girl's buttocks.
A spokeswoman for Washington County public schools said the episode in a hallway at Lincolnshire Elementary School earlier this month fits the state Department of Education's definition of sexual harassment.
The definition in part describes sexual harassment as inappropriate physical conduct of a sexual nature directed toward others.
The spokeswoman said the reprimand is a learning opportunity for the boy even though he may not understand that what he is doing is sexual harassment.
But the boy's father said he doesn't know what to say to his son. He told The Herald-Mail of Hagerstown that the boy thinks of it as just playing and doesn't know anything about sex.
The boy’s attorney did not immediately return phone calls seeking comment; however the boy did appear briefly at a press conference where he had this to say: “Hey, listen folks, I took a shot, and got caught, big deal. I mean, it’s not as if she didn’t like it.”
Linda McComb, the boy’s mother later commented from their Hagerstown home, “If he would just limit his use of pornography to a few hours per day, I think his behavior would improve dramatically. He seems to spend all day cloistered in his room, apparently diddling” the disgusted mother said. “I have to take salad tongs in there to pick up his laundry”.
5-Year-Old Accused Of Sexual Harrassment
Boy Pinched Girl's Buttocks
HAGERSTOWN, Md. -- A Maryland kindergarten student has been accused of sexual harassment and written up.
The 5-year-old boy pinched a girl's buttocks.
A spokeswoman for Washington County public schools said the episode in a hallway at Lincolnshire Elementary School earlier this month fits the state Department of Education's definition of sexual harassment.
The definition in part describes sexual harassment as inappropriate physical conduct of a sexual nature directed toward others.
The spokeswoman said the reprimand is a learning opportunity for the boy even though he may not understand that what he is doing is sexual harassment.
But the boy's father said he doesn't know what to say to his son. He told The Herald-Mail of Hagerstown that the boy thinks of it as just playing and doesn't know anything about sex.
The boy’s attorney did not immediately return phone calls seeking comment; however the boy did appear briefly at a press conference where he had this to say: “Hey, listen folks, I took a shot, and got caught, big deal. I mean, it’s not as if she didn’t like it.”
Linda McComb, the boy’s mother later commented from their Hagerstown home, “If he would just limit his use of pornography to a few hours per day, I think his behavior would improve dramatically. He seems to spend all day cloistered in his room, apparently diddling” the disgusted mother said. “I have to take salad tongs in there to pick up his laundry”.
This is both funny and sad. Here's another true story for you. Two boys were suspended from my daughter’s school yesterday because both of them told a girl that their Christmas present to her was that they were going to kill her. They laughed and walked away. The girl went home and told her mother (who I know personally and I swear to god belongs inside a mental institution – and that is no exaggeration by any means!!!!). The mother called the police and insisted that the police arrest the boys and that the principal suspend the boys. Did I mention they’re sixth graders? The police responded and the principal had to suspend the two boys. Unfortunately for the girl, her Christmas wish will go unfulfilled for another year and she’ll have to suffer living with her crazy mother for at least another 365 days.
Your picture for this post is absolutely f-ing perfect!!!
This is both funny and sad. Here's another true story for you. Two boys were suspended from my daughter’s school yesterday because both of them told a girl that their Christmas present to her was that they were going to kill her. They laughed and walked away. The girl went home and told her mother (who I know personally and I swear to god belongs inside a mental institution – and that is no exaggeration by any means!!!!). The mother called the police and insisted that the police arrest the boys and that the principal suspend the boys. Did I mention they’re sixth graders? The police responded and the principal had to suspend the two boys. Unfortunately for the girl, her Christmas wish will go unfulfilled for another year and she’ll have to suffer living with her crazy mother for at least another 365 days.
Your picture for this post is absolutely f-ing perfect!!!
This is a real story (with some obvious editorial embellishment) that I saw in today's news. We have gone off our rocker, I think. Was it offensive to pinch that girl's butt? yes. Is it worthwhile to give this kid a bad name and put him on a sex-offender registry? of course not. Hopefully they won't go that far, but who knows nowadays. The thing is, this kid will probably carry this around with him for at least his time in that school, and possibly well into the future. For shame. What should really happen is this - anyone who is involved with enforcing a punishment on this kid ought to have their dirty laundry thoroughly aired out. Do they rent pornographic movies? Do they pinch butts? So silly that those kids were suspended at your daughter's school.
You know, by punishing this kid, and giving the girl a lot of notoriety for being the pinchee, the officials and the school people have just given the entire class an early introduction into the world of sex. I mean, imagine all of the questions that kids will now be asking their parents and each other. I'd guess that every guy in class will be afraid of asking this girl out, even 10 or 15 years from now. She'll be the buttock girl. More harm than good is what they've done here.
I agree with you. I think collectively, the world has lost its friggen mind. This kind of shit makes me apoplectic! What's next? Sue kids who injure each other on the play ground? Actually, we're already there. I actually defended a family who got sued because their 9 year old daughter, who had never played street hockey before, injured another 9 year old boy when she took a wild swing at the puck and knocked out three of his teeth. Parents sued the little 9 year old girl for negligently swinging the stick and sued her parents for not properly training her to play hockey and for failing to prevent her from raising the hockey stick above her waist. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! That’s all I have to say about that.
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