Updated White Christmas Map -
The major cities of the Northeast will not have a White Christmas this year. There will be a few storms between now and the holiday, but they will be in the form of rain. It is looking good for a White Christmas from the central Rockies through most of the northern Plains. Parts of northern New England and upstate New York also stand a pretty good chance for having at least some snow on the ground for Christmas Day.
(Borrowed from Accuweather.com)
Note: Its always a white Christmas in my house, but only because my family doesn't invite any black people over.
By File Boy
Small print.
Messed up.
On another note, be jealous. On Christmas I'm going somewhere where there's going to be lots of snow!!!
Small print. Very funny.
Small print wasn't meant to make some racist comment, just that there is typically a dearth of color at our Holidays. Then again, my brother has a friend of African American pursuasion, and he usually comes over any time there's a meal involved. In fact, he's in most of our family's pictures, so I guess he's like family.
I'm "colored" and I take offense to this and your whole blog. Your a rascist hating prejudiced person.
Calm down darkie... I'm colored too.
We're having whores over for Christmas, so what does that make me home-boy hater?
Don't tell me you don't favor a little dark meat on the side File Boy (Hard to ignore the "boy" in FB)
Truth is, I'm sure most African Americans feel most comfortable when surrounded by other African Americans, wether it be in Church, School, or around a Holiday meal. Same is probably true of most Euro-Americans (whites). Its silly though that we are like that, but I know it to be true. When I was younger my family decided to attend a church in town (Church of the First-Born for any locals who may know of it). The church had a huge congregation. There was one Asian-American woman who played the violin in the Church's "band", our white family, and about 450 African-American people in this church. I was young then, but even at that age knew that we stood out like a sore thumb. In fact, it was sort of distracting for me that everyone was looking at us. As much as my parents liked the pastor and got a lot out of his messages, our membership there was doomed from the start, simply because we weren't the right color. Not that anyone there purposely did anything to make us feel unwanted. Its just a reflection of our humanity that we seek those with similar backgrounds and experiences (not to mention skin color). Now everyone relax, take a deep breath and chill out.
I'm sure it was never meant as anything but a joke. Get over it.
>chant this like a cheer<
Rat shit bat shit
suck your mother's tit
Douche-bag fuck-wad
Eat a pile of shit!
What's the best blogger-site
All the others suck!
Why I shoot Stuff!
Rah Rah Fuck!
Ok - Now we can all calm down!
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