I’ll take one mexi-melt, a nachos bell grande and a small side of E. Coli
E. coli Outbreak Linked To Three Taco Bells
In New Jersey, an outbreak has sickened at least 22 people, two of them seriously.
Taco Bell President Greg Creed said in a statement that the company is “very concerned.''
E. coli Outbreak Linked To Three Taco Bells
In New Jersey, an outbreak has sickened at least 22 people, two of them seriously.
Taco Bell President Greg Creed said in a statement that the company is “very concerned.''
But What is an E. coli infection?
Escherichia coli (also called E. coli) is a bacterium that can cause serious infections. Most of the hundreds of types, or strains, of E. coli live harmlessly in the digestive tracts of humans and animals. But some strains produce a powerful toxin that causes bloody diarrhea and occasionally can cause severe blood problems and kidney failure.
What causes an E. coli infection?
Simply stated, disease-causing E. coli spreads to people through contact with human or animal feces. Food and water contaminated with E. coli bacteria look and smell normal (Editorial comment: Contaminated food will look and smell normal with the small caveat that they only smell normal if the contact was minor. Submersing your food in a toilet will cause some odor and flavor changes).
Contaminated Food
Other food sources that may be at a high risk for carrying strains of E. coli bacteria include raw fruits and vegetables, such as lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, or unpasteurized apple cider or other unpasteurized juices that have come in contact with infected animal feces.
Person-to-person contact
The effect this poopy food outbreak will have on Taco Bell is still unknown, however we know what happened to ChiChi’s a few years back. While ChiChi’s problem wasn’t E. coli, it was feces-related…
ChiChi’s Mexican Restaurant
Three people died and more than 600 others fell ill due to a hepatitis A outbreak at a Mexican restaurant near Pittsburgh in 2003. Over 14,500 patrons of Chi-Chi's Mexican Restaurant in Beaver County may have been exposed to the virus from September 1 to November 3, when officials closed the restaurant.
Chi-Chi's shuts all units; Outback buys site rights
The chain's Web site stated that Chi-Chi's "would like to thank all of our loyal customers of the past 27 years and, with a tear in our eye, say Adios!" (Editorial comment: With a tear in their eye and poop on their hands).
However, Outback, which operates and franchises 1,103 restaurants, including the 852-unit namesake steakhouse chain, was named winner of the bidding Aug. 3. Outback said it plans to use a "significant number" of the properties for its own brands. In addition to Outback Steakhouses, the company operates Carrabba's Italian Grill, Bonefish Grill, Fleming's Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar, Roy's, Cheeseburger in Paradise, Lee Roy Selmon's and Paul Lee's Chinese Kitchen.
So how is hepatitis A spread?
Surprise! The virus is spread mainly by oral contact with stool (feces) containing the virus. If contaminated stool gets into the water or food supply, the virus may infect anyone who drinks the water or eats the food. This is how most people around the world become infected with hepatitis A.
Sometimes a large group of people who eat at the same restaurant become infected. This usually happens when an employee with hepatitis A does not wash his or her hands well after using the bathroom and then prepares food (Editorial comment: Heaving, mouth is watering, gag...where's that article on the physiology of vomiting?)
So what have we learned? We know that poop mixed with food will make you sick. We’ve also learned that you are likely to get some poop in your food if you eat at Taco Bell. The question that comes to mind is this: If the people who work at Taco Bell look and act the same as the people I see working at McDonalds, Burger King and any number of other fast-food restaurants, am I going to be in danger of ingesting poop if I eat at one of those chains?
Fast food is cheap and delicious, and most importantly, it's fast. Is a little poopy in your meal a price you’re willing to pay for this speedy deliciousness? Your damn right it is.
by File Boy
I was going to post my response here, but it grew and grew to the point where I thought I ought to just make it a separate posting - but all of the credit goes to you sir. I loved this!
I'll still eat at Taco Bell.
Does that make me dirty?
I think it makes us all dirty. Happy, fat and dirty. One of the saddest moments of recent memory was when I was travelling to relatives on Thanksgiving Day and because of all of the necessary preparations prior to travelling, I was unable to get something to eat before hitting the road. So I thought I'd stop at McDonalds. I was hoping they'd be open. It was 11:57 when I pulled into the parking lot and lo and behold there was a line at the drive-thru! Hooray, I thought, McDonalds never lets me down. I heard the van in front of me placing their order and began to salivate as I looked over my choices, 1-9. I knew what I wanted, and I could smell the fries. It was my turn to place an order as the van in front of me pulled forward.
"Thank you for choosing McDonalds" the voice cracked over the speaker. What came next was nothing short of devastating. "We are now closed". What?! Thank you for choosing McDonalds, we are now closed? What the hell kind of operation are you people running anyway? They closed at 12 noon, and that stupid van in front of me spent the final three minutes of operating hours placing their order. Talk about disappointment.
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