My friend shot this buck in PA last week and it is pretty impressive. First of all, this was shot on public land in PA, which means land that has a lot of competition for bucks (from other hunters). Its also land that holds deer that know how to avoid humans. Well, at least most of the time. This is a non-typical 21 point buck with an antler spread of 19 inches. Not too bad for his first buck.
Stay tuned for more updates, from the field.
by File Boy
I want to die with my eyes open like that and with a look of absolute disbelief on my face too! I think that’s the way to go – mid sentence like this . . . Hey! Come on over here and try eating some of the grass under this tree! The grass over here is much tasti >rifle crack – blank gaze<. I also want whoever takes me out to quantify my post-morbid value in terms of points or a spread of some sort. Like perhaps, WOW! Look in this guy’s wallet! He has 21 points on his driver’s license over a spread of only eleven months!! Wooo Hooo!
When you hunt bears, the way they measure your trophy is by measuring the head. For example, "this impressive bruin green-scored 21 inches" meaning its not-dried skull measured 21 inches in circumference. In order to make it into the record books, all measurements must be conducted after allowing for a 60 day drying period (to allow for shrinkage). Most people can't wait that long to brag to their friends about the size of the animal they bagged, so they measure before the drying is complete, and quote it as a green score. In this deer's case, it would probably green score in the 120s, non-typical. That is, there are 120 inches of antler on this deer.
There are record books that keep track of this information, such as the Boone and Crocket record book (for animals taken with a firearm) and the Pope and Young (for animals taken with a bow and arrow). As you might guess, the Boone and Crocket has much higher standards since it is a lot easier to get a deer with a gun as opposed to a bow.
If you were "taken" with a bow and arrow, I'm sure you'd qualify for a trophy book of some kind. In fact we could invent one and then rate people who have died (or even those we'd like to see on our walls). For example, you might dream of bagging a George Dubya, so you might opine that he'd likely score in the 130s typical in the Powerful but Crooked record books. Ken Lay might be in the 140s.
Given the state of my relationship with the Mrs., I wouldn’t be surprised if my wife made it into the record books for being the first woman to bag a dear (as in yes dear) with her voice. She would then be entitled to both bragging and nagging rights! I think she also holds the record for being the only woman capable of nagging the paint right off the wall. They probably have a magazine for her like Woman’s Field & Stream & Garden.
Her mag could be called Field and Scream.
Oh! Now that's just a beautiful thing my friend. OUT OF THE PARK!
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