Good Taste / Bad Taste
Here’s the Second installment in what I still hope will become a regular feature here on Why I Shoot Stuff. The premise is simple. A picture, photograph, image, or quote (or anything that provokes thought) will be posted under the heading “Good Taste / Bad Taste”. Sometimes there may be an accompanying commentary to get your literary juices flowing. Either way, you’re invited to click in and vent, tear me a new one, or applaud. Hopefully you’ll be pissed off. Speaking of pissed, here’s today’s picture.

Ahhhh! The pause that refreshes! - What do you say?
Unashamedly Posted by D. Tkon
When you gotta go...
You know, I'm not sure why you call this feature "Good taste/Bad taste". Judging from what I've seen so far, I can't foresee any posts containing anything but pictures taken in poor taste. And, that is as it should be.
I believe this picture answers the question that is so often asked when one is in Philadelphia/any city ("Do you smell pee??")
By simply looking at this picture, I can already smell the subway in Philly. Look at the pic, close your eyes and inhale deeply. Its like I'm there.
Well, I’m sure I’ll surprise you with a picture that will be controversial. Such as this one. Perhaps some of our viewers will be awakened to the plight of the poor and disenfranchised by seeing pictures like this. Perhaps it will stir their philanthropic tendencies, spurring them on to donate turkeys, toys and toilet paper. And afterwards, they’ll exclaim, “YES! Thank God I saw that picture!!!!” And so one will conclude that any photo posted which results in an increase in consciousness is done so in good taste!
By the way, you think pee is bad? I was walking down the steps of my parking garage yesterday morning and discovered that some people do a lot more than just pee in stairwells. There was a huge doody on the second floor landing. I was actually shocked – not only at the fact that it was there, but there was something about it that instantly convinced me that its owner would be hired in an instant by any soft-serve ice-cream franchise. Nuff said.
I used to go running after work when I worked in town and there was a brick staircase that you had to scale if you wanted to go from the adjacent park to downtown. That staircase was old and not enclosed, but because it was near a park (and the city itself of course), many people, many many people were inclined to use it as an outdoor lavatory. That's a fine how do you do when you are trying to run up slippery steps in sneakers. Whoa, whoah, WHOAHHH!!!
It just occurred to me that this picture describes perfectly how I feel whenever I go to Philly! Whenever I'm there, I just want to curl up on a bench and piss on the city. Why not? I pay taxes.
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