Just a quick snow update - and then we'll get right back to the shenanigans.
(borrowed from Fox29.com, Rob Guarino's blog)
NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) UPDATE-
The NAO is neutral and looks to slide upward the next 5 days (that means warmer with no snow). The NAO forecast is to be near neutral December but may slip to the -NAO side December 2-5th (indicative of a possible snow event). That means colder weather and a possible storm. The GFS sees something that far out but I need to see many more factors before thinking of something around that date. It could be a wet nor'easter here with some snow in the interior mountains of PA, WV, MD and NC. Way too early to call but it is something to keep an eye on at this point.
I've noticed a higher than average number of nor'easters thus far this year. May bode well for lots of snow.
Also, keep in mind that tonight, NBC 10's Glen "Hurricane" Schwartz is releasing his winter weather prediction at 11 p.m.
*(As a side note, I like Glen, but he was rated in last place last year by an independent auditing firm who compared all of Philly's forecasters and rated them on accuracy. Rob Guarino came in first place.)
Which one of those little fuckers wears the bow-tie and needs a knuckle sandwich?
That's Glenn "Hurrican" Schwartz (the Pat Morita of the weather world). He has a blog now on nbc10, but he only has one because Rob Guarino started one on fox 29's site and it was so hugely popular. Glenn seems nice, but he has a polical agenda which always annoys me. He drives an alternative fuel mini-car (or some hybrid) which is great, I just wish he'd shut up about it. No one cares you pansy. My truck can drive over your hybrid and pisses gas like a race horse in turn three. You don't hear me bragging about how great it is and how powerful it is. But, honestly, it is really great and powerful. Really. I pulled my tractor out of a ditch with it. My tractor? It burns gas and emits a black smoke that literally peels the ozone back every time I run it. Just breathing in while I'm driving it makes me dizzy. The amount of energy consumed to start it could power a small town somewhere.
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