Iran’s President Pleased with Results of American Elections, Delivers Message of Hate, Sans Necktie, Suit
So, the obvious question is, if the elections were a clear signal that America has rejected much of what the Republican Party stood for, and if Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is pleased about those results, should we be? I mean, he sounds like a nice guy and all. Just take a look at some of the quotes below from a cnn.com article describing a recent press release he held.
This from cnn.com:
“During his talk, Ahmadinejad said recent election results in the United States marked the failure of U.S. policies, based on imposition of its will on others, support for bullying, plunder, unilateralism and humiliating other governments.”
Iran’s Nuclear Ambition Tour
The Iranian president “…has repeatedly said uranium enrichment is his country's right and will not be abandoned, despite Western fears that Iran's goal is to build nuclear weapons. The president said the uranium is for civilian projects. Tehran ignored an August 31 U.N. Security Council deadline demanding it halt its nuclear program. By early October, Iran had resumed its uranium enrichment program by building a second cascade of centrifuges and injecting gas into the system, IRNA had said.”
'A message to the American people'
“Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that Iran is ready for better relations with other countries -- with one exception. "We are after positive interaction with the whole world, except a state which we consider its foundation as wrong and do not attach any value to its legitimacy," he said, referring to Israel.”
“Ahmadinejad also said Tuesday he has something to tell the American people. "I will soon send a message to the American people. The message is in the stage of preparation," he said. Without elaborating, he said his message would be in response to U.S. government statements.”
I don’t know about you, but I just can’t wait to get his message. I’m betting it will be a Christmas card. He’s so thoughtful.
by File Boy
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