The Democratic Response to File-Boy’s Well-Fed Opinion --
Your point seems to be that if I pull the Democratic lever in order to pull the troops out of Iraq, that doing so will be an affront to all those good soldiers who died there - in vain - for nothing.
Lets be perfectly clear. A majority of those soldiers died there because they couldn't afford to go to college and believed that the GI bill was the best way for them to get an education in a country which favors the haves over the have-nots. Unfortunately for them, they were committed to keep up their end of the bargain when the war broke out. Broke out? (a little editorial chuckle on this end now HA!~)
Those soldiers died over there because they were lied to, not once, but twice by the party in power. I'm not blaming Bush directly, because he may have been lied to as well, and only history will reveal just how much he knew and when he knew it (sound familiar?)
The first lie was that we needed to go over there because Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The only weapon discovered in Iraq besides rocks, was their unending supply of hate for Americans.
I don't think you can forget that after Bush wiped the egg off his face, he changed his cry from "We need to be in Iraq to stop their weapons program!" to "Isn't Iraq better off without Sadam?" Talk about changing your tune!
The second (and bigger lie in my opinion) was that the US Government would bring to this war the resources necessary to quickly obtain a decisive win through Shock and Awe because the American people would not stand for a prolonged Viet-Nam type battle.
For the record, there were no weapons of mass destruction ever found – in fact they never existed. And the soldiers dying over there ARE dying for nothing, in case you haven’t noticed. They are dying because the Republican Party lied to them and sentenced them to die needlessly. They are dying because this country couldn’t make up its mind regarding whether it really wanted to be there. The war could have been won had we had the heart for it. It’s only too clear now, what we weren’t willing to admit when we first went over there – that we have no appetite for death. Nor are we willing to sacrifice in any meaningful way. As a country, we knew in our heart of hearts that we were never truly at risk from any threat from Iraq to our country, liberties or way of life. People are only willing to die for something that is real. This war is a farce.
I’m going to pull the Democratic handle on Tuesday (100 times if the damn machine will allow me) because the sound of a vote being cast is the only sound EITHER party understands, unfortunately. I want out of Iraq and I want to stop funding this war, which apparently is only benefiting Mr. Bush & Mr. Cheney’s friends, and which my kids will be paying for long after I’m gone. ENOUGH!
Nice! That's what I like to see a little discussion on the topic! Now, how would you characterize Saddam's use of nerve agents on his own people (and the mass graves that were unearthed containing women and children bound and gagged), if you don't consider that mass destruction?
Oh, and take your head out of your ass, its not becoming.
One more comment, are you quoting Kerry's botched joke of earlier this week with this comment: "Lets be perfectly clear. A majority of those soldiers died there because they couldn't afford to go to college and believed that the GI bill was the best way for them to get an education in a country which favors the haves over the have-nots"?
The soldiers didn't die because they were lied to. They died because they were defending your right to spout whatever Democratic bullshit you choose. They were defending our country. They died proud, honorable deaths and Kerry should be ashamed and embarrased by his galling comment.
My cousin served in the Army Special Forces for 3 years in Iraq. He could have come home after 18 months. He CHOSE to stay because he was proud of the work he was doing. His younger brother is in training now to join the Special Forces team because he's proud of what his brother helped Iraq accomplish for themselves. They were there. In Iraq. They've seen what we've done there. And they're proud.
On September 11, 2001, we were attacked. I'm just mentioning it because I guess you didn't read it in the newspaper or see it on television. Perhaps you were in a coma at the time? WHAT DID YOU WANT US TO DO? WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN? Sure, we could have gone in and mercilously bombed them. But we strategically bombed them so that we weren't responsible for an extraordinary number of unnecessary deaths just to make our point- like, um, oh yeah- what they did to us. A small but powerful group was saying, "America we hate you! Get out!" So we went in. And we've taken away a lot of their power. But we have to "stay the course" or everything we've done would be in vain. And we would have given them the victory.
If we pull out now, what are we saying to over 90% of the population of Iraq who do not belong to any terrorist group? What are we saying to the world? That we tear down but never build up? That we're the first to retaliate and the last to assist? We're helping Iraq build a future for their children that doesn't include being victimized and terrorized simply by walking down the street. We're staying the course so that they don't have to live in fear.
Shame on you, you selfish pussy-Democrat, for wanting to cut and run.
Good point addgirl, America- the only country capable of defeating virtually any country on the planet (by using our nuclear arsenal) - loses war to smaller, poorer, less armed nation because it decided fighting to win took too long and required sacrifice.
If Bush wanted to win this war, he'd have done it already. He’d have used all of the force and resources necessary (didn’t he promise he’d do that anyway? Isn’t that one of the reasons Bush found support on both sides of the House and Senate?). The reason he hasn’t done what it takes is because he knows that this Country has the will to fight, but no stomach for what it would truly take to win. Had the war been popular with a true majority of Americans from the very beginning, Bush could have called up as many troops as his heart desired and killed as many innocents as need be. You do what you have to do to win. If your hands are tied from the very beginning, all you get is a mess. You can’t have it both ways – a war without loss of innocent life. It’s practically an oxymoron. Look at what Israel did recently in Lebanon. Thousands of innocents died in that war and Lebanon was quickly brought to its knees. Bush has 2 choices I’d support. Get out, or bring to bear the power of this country and get it done. How the hell can you win a war with 130,000 troops in a country with a population of 26,074,906? Its bullshit. I oppose the course we've laid out. Lets get out or get it done at any cost. If we're not willing to kill thousands of innocents, then leave.
I don't think anyone is running on the "bring the total might of the military to bear" slogan. Would be interesting though. Maybe we can get Pat Buchanan to run with it...
I wonder what impact the war's outcome will have on future military campaigns. Our military's perceived superiority throughout the world will be tarnished, I'd think.
I once worked with a tenured director who was on the verge of retirement and decided to just tell it like it was. I really liked him. He said things like:
- Who really cares?
- Make it look good to the few who will be looking, but don't put it into effect because it won't work.
- Yeah, I'm a PhD- you can buy them online now. I did. (And he really did get it through some kind of correspondence school.)
- We just collected those "necessary" documents, made them look pretty and stuffed them in a file cabinet in the basement somewhere. Alphabetically, of course.
This guy was incredible, and the other directors hated him because he did what he wanted, when he wanted to.
Wouldn't it be funny if a candidate ran with that? Of course, I wouldn't vote for him. He'd be a loose cannon. But I might campaign for him because it would be fun.
That said, you gotta love D. Tkon's use of pictures. Brilliant!
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