Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Just did a search on the net for "filthadelphia" and I found this site: filthy net

This site revels in the glorification of graffiti. In fact, the sole purpose of this site, it would seem, would be to post pictures of various pieces of private property ruined by graffiti. Here’s what the website has to say about it: “Welcome to Version 2 of The purpose of this site is to document the prolific, rare, and unique artform of Philadelphia's graffiti. On the new site, we will only post better quality flix of Philly's top writers. Keep checking back for updates and enjoy the flix.”

I may be the only one, but when I see a site like this, the first thing that comes to mind is a Bible verse my mom used to quote to me all the time. "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things."

None of those characteristics are true of graffiti. At this site, they refer to graffiti hooligans as “Philadelphia’s top writers”. What?! Hey, I got an idea for your website, how about changing the name to “” and then talk about how maybe some of you punks can support yourselves. Some questions I have: 1. who’s paying for the paint? 2. Who’s maintaining the “filthy” website? 3. Is the graffiti supposed to serve some purpose other than depreciating the value of everything it is applied to? 4. Has any graffiti “artist” ever sprayed anything that actually belongs to him, or does he limit his artistic creations to marring only the surfaces of other people’s stuff? 5. Does anyone care that graffiti is offensive to most people?

Freedom of speech is something we appreciate here at whyishootstuff, and we can even appreciate the various mediums used for creative expression. We just typically think of these as canvas bought at an artist’s supply store, clay bought from a hobby shop, music and other performing arts etc… To characterize what these criminals are doing (running around at night spray painting other people’s property) as "art" is proof-positive that Philadelphia is not the tourist destination the advertisements on tv would have us believe.

I remember vividly a few years ago going to Philly to attend the annual car show. Upon leaving the civic center I was almost immediately accosted for a cigarette. Since I didn’t have a cigarette, I made the foolish decision to ignore the request. Boy was that a mistake. This person followed me to my parking garage (about a mile away) hurling abusive language and threats at me the entire way. Had this happened in my hometown, I would have punched this guy in his nugget. Since it was Philadelphia, I had to err on the side of caution and assume this ne’er-do-well had a gun or knife.

I’m aware that there are many culturally significant artifacts, displays, museums, and attractions in Philadelphia, however I’m not prepared to undergo multiple shake-downs so I can say I sat in the Imax theatre or walked through the pumping heart at the Franklin Institute.

To me, the reward isn't worth the risk. Parking cannot be had for less than 20 dollars a day in Philly. People are murdered on an average of about one per day, many days numerous murders occur. Food is of poor quality, service is awful, it stinks, there's too many people who stink, everything costs more and is worth less. When someone says to me, "Hey, want to go to Philly tonight?", my first thought is that I'd rather you just punch me in my mouth right now. The pain will be more fleeting and it won't cost me anything. I'd rather sit in my basement in the dark and play with roaches than go to Philly, honestly.

I’d like to see an honest ad for Philadelphia. Some suggestions: “Now almost 40% harassment-free”, or “Less crime than Beirut”, or “Now with fewer unexplained homicides of tourists”., the graffiti “artists” and the people that condone this behavior are why I shoot stuff.

By File Boy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I love a good rant! Especially when its chock full of motherly advice in the form of gospel and stories with morals like See? Cigarette smoking CAN be healthy! Maybe it’s just me, but I want more apropos Bible verse in All of your stories File Boy. I'm not dissing you. I just love the juxtaposition.

Oh. Regarding your personal heckler that you picked up upon leaving the car show, since he didn't shoot or poke you after a quarter mile, I think it would have been safe to punch him in the nugget. Also, some advice. People who smoke get winded easily. If you had just picked up the pace a bit, you'd have left him in the dust.

Finally, take heart. Philadelphia recently ran a contest for a new slogan to replace "The City of Brotherly Love." They got a lot of inventive submissions, most capturing the heart and pulse of the city. Here's the one that won: "Welcome to Philadel-- HEY! THAT'S MY FUCKING CAR!!!!"

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say is that most of my decisions reckon back to a Bible verse that was pounded into my head in my childhood. If you pick a topic, I can tell you whether its good or bad by verse and chapter. Say what you will, but what the Bible says leads you to the right decisions in life (Though shall not murder, covet, lie, steal, etc...). None of that is bad advice, whether you believe in God or not.

I probably should mention that my feelings towards cities are not limited to Philly alone. On a recent business trip to New York City I became the victim of identity theft, and lost hundreds of dollars from my checking account. Lots of graffiti there.

8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Identity theft? Wouldn't that be funny if in addition to our money and credit cards, they had everything else that goes wrong in our lives start happening to them? Sounds like the theme for a movie in here!

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to experience some body fat theft. Or perhaps some balding theft. Someone could steal my snoring problem and I wouldn't mind. But what did happen was I went online to look at my checking account balance and did a double-take when I saw -500. Then I took a look at the transaction history and I was like, "Wait a minute, Jack in the Box in Chico, CA? I don't remember that at all." I don't think anyone would accuse me of being niggardly frugal, but I know I wouldn't spend 500 at a fast food restaurant. That's just gluttony.

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure you didn't eat $500.00 worth of Jack-n-the-box since the last time I saw you? You were looking a little paunchy. I noticed the hair thing too, but two swipes at my good buddy in the same visit just wouldn't have been right. Besides, you already looked like you had seen a ghost when you ran into me in the lobby!!! I'd have loved to have had my camera!

So, how many triple burgers with cheese can you get for $500.00? Ooops! I mean, did they ever catch that rat bastard who took your identity?

4:25 PM  

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