Sunday, November 05, 2006

How much money have you given to relive the suffering of the poor in the world? We’ll count the United Way, American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, Catholic Charities, any and all payroll deducted, tax-diminishing contributions, and anything that you can argue you’ve given money to in the name of a good cause and/or contributes to someone else’s quality of life and costs you something or takes up over an hour of your time. We’ll even include time contributed toward habitat for humanity and any other charity where you can say you’ve lessened the pain, suffering and/or hunger of any human on the planet. Have you adopted a child through any of the various adopt-a-foreign child programs? There’s Feed the Hungry, Christian Children’s Fund, and so many others. Have you donated your clothing to Goodwill or done anything for the Salvation Army?

Answer the above questions honestly, and then think about your position on the Iraq war. Are you for it, or against it? Obviously most sane people are against any war for almost all reasons. No one goes into war happy about the prospect of human lives lost. But then the question becomes, can your stance on the war be based on a distaste for human suffering alone? If so, would you be against any war at any time, even those wars that we undertake to defend American soil from direct attack? Would you have opposed American involvement in World War II? How does your stance on the Iraq war impact your voting? How about the November elections? Are you basing your vote on Tuesday on the war in Iraq?

I’ve talked to dozens of people about their stance on the war in Iraq, and most of them are against it. Most people I’ve talked to are against the war for two reasons. 1.) The intelligence that we relied on was inaccurate, and 2.) There are just “too many Americans dying over there”. Since #1 above is hindsight (and many leaders in the democratic party voted for the war), we’ll focus on #2.

Based on the television ads I’ve seen running in my area, the majority of democrats are running on a “get out of Iraq now” platform, with some “track down sexual predators” and “lower taxes” jargon thrown in for good measure (I’ll ignore the urge to review the democrat’s record on taxes, although it is a “gimme” topic).

If your primary reason to vote “Democrat” on Tuesday is to support a candidate who is likely to pull our troops out of Iraq, and your reasoning is to prevent “further American deaths”, pardon my editorial chuckle (ha-ha).

Hopefully you’re smart enough to see that by voting for someone based solely upon the war in Iraq, with an eye towards getting America out of Iraq, is not, in and of itself very sound reasoning. Hopefully you have a better rationale for your vote other than to hearken to the Democratic Party’s rally call on this war. The significance of the almost three thousand deaths of servicemen and women who chose to join the armed forces and go out to the battlefield to support America would only be diminished by leaving Iraq before the mission is accomplished. There’s no way around it. If we leave Iraq before Democracy is established there, and it falls back to its previous state, those who died, did so in vain.

To date, the number of Americans who have lost their lives since the war began is 2,811. (See Wikipedia article: here).

Conversely, the number of people worldwide who have or will die because of starvation by the time we reach the third anniversary of the war’s beginning will be: 27,375,000 (according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, see Wikipedia article entitled Starvation ). Now, you might argue that we can control the war, but controlling world hunger is not within our means. However, a well-read file boy would argue that America causes hunger and famine in many countries throughout the world (America the leading user of resources article: here ), but that’s beside the point. The point is, if you are willing to pull the lever for a candidate based on his stance to limit American military deaths, what are you willing to do based upon the twenty-some million people who have died to starvation since the war began (25,000 people worldwide die each day because of starvation)?

By File Boy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats in the DC Metro area are running on a platform based on anti-Bush sentiments. They're faulting candidates for supporting Bush or voting like Bush or for supporting the war in Iraq.
It's like 9/11 never happened. How easily they forget. The day after 9/11, we HAD to do something. The Democratic party was in agreement with the Republicans at the time. We couldn't stand idly by or demand an apology in a strongly worded speech. C'mon! We had to ACT. And now that Iraq is moving TOWARD stability, and we're finally seeing progress, Democrats are acting like 9/11 never happened and saying pull out. We've helped to build a new world over there. If we pull out now, it will collapse. All of our efforts would have been in vain.
Think about this: If we hadn't gone in, what course could we have taken in retaliation? If we did a raid and then pulled out, they would have begun planning the next attack and we'd be living scared. Bush chose to stay and keep them on their toes over there as opposed to giving them time to devise another plan. I'm not suggesting that they're not planning now. I'm saying that they're not as strong as they were then. 9/11 was being planned for 2 years before it took place. It was practically CAKE for them to get in (Thank you Clinton). Now we're strengthening our defenses and keeping them at bay on their turf. Democrats, WHAT DID YOU WANT US TO DO?
There are so many issues at stake this election. So many things to discuss. And EVERY Democratic commercial says the same thing, "Don't vote for so-and-so because they're supporting Bush." I dislike their distasteful ads so intensely that it makes me want to vote a straight Republican ballot.

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to vote straight Republican (even if the candidate isn't straight) just so I counteract D.Tkon's vote. It will be as though he didn't vote. Now D, since our votes will counteract one anothers, should we both stay home and cook some food for the hungry instead?

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually FB, I'm not voting a straight Democratic ticket (I never do). Believe it or not, I’m a registered Independent, and only reluctantly so that they’ll admit me to the voting place every couple of years. If there were another option, I wouldn’t even be registered (though I always vote). For the most part, I try to find out all I can about the candidates and make what is known as an “Educated Decision”. I know that is a concept foreign to most Republicans (and in fairness Democrats) who, like the automatons that they are, vote a straight ticket as if it were a matter of faith. While on the subject, I guess I should mention that I don’t belong to any organized religion either, though, if you ask people, they’ll tell you that I am very spiritual, loving and forgiving – which is why, notwithstanding the fact that you’ve got your head up your ass, I still love you and forgive you! >Big Kiss<

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made me smile (a muffled, poopy smile, but a smile nontheless). Thanks for your words of kindness. Love defined = if you can't beat someone verbally, make a fat joke.

11:57 AM  

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