The Year of the Buck
Well its that time of year again, we're now only days away from opening day of buck season, and its time to get ready.
This is probably the best time of the year for a hunter, because whether you're a farmer or a city-dweller, if you hunt you have one thing on your mind at this time of the year. Maybe this is the year I'll get a buck. Sure, a lot of us hunters would be happy with Colonel Wilma Deering (Erin Grey) or twiki, but what would really make us happy - what would be almost magical - would be shooting buck.
Perhaps its outsmarting his 25th century know-how; perhaps its getting into the woods and tricking someone who has a robot (I don't know what it is about that robot, his "bee-dee, bee-dee, bee-dee" makes me just want to shoot holes all through him). Perhaps the idea of putting a nice hole in someone like buck, with his fancy "Dr. Theopolis" (you know, the mechanical brain in a box who is part of Earth's Computer Council) would just make me feel good.
Most years I'll settle for any of the cast members of Buck Rogers, and I get all excited and just shoot the first Princess Ardala or Comander Kane I see. Then I go home and wish I had held out for a buck. Sure my freezer is full, but I have to spend the entire next year thinking about what might have been. This year will be different. I'm going to pass on shooting anything but buck, and if he comes walking through the woods into my treestand area, wearing those fancy clothes from the year 2491, I'm going to let the lead fly.
Yes this year it will take more than Gary Coleman dressed as Hieronymus Fox (from the 'Cosmic Wiz Kid' and 'A Blast for Buck' episodes) to sway me. This is the year of the buck for me.
by File Boy
I wasn’t quite sure what the heck you were talking about. I think you were both talking about buck hunting season kicking off shortly and something altogether irreverent involving Buck Rodgers. I didn’t realize you were such a sci-fi fan. If so, we’ll have to do something with Mystery Science Theatre 3000. In my opinion that is perhaps one of the funniest shows that ever made it on the tube. Do you agree?
Also, I feel like we’re avoiding the topic of the day. Even though we beat to hell the issue of voting on yesterday’s posts, I believe we owe it to the American people to somehow say something political today. For the record, I voted on my way to work. I did NOT vote a straight Democratic ticket. I did yell “TAKE THAT ADDGIRL” at the top of my lungs, when I pressed the VOTE button.
Yes, it was a play on the word "buck". I tried to skillfully lead you to believe I was talking about deer, when in reality what I was really talking about was shooting Buck Rogers. I guess the foreshadowing (using the pictures of Twiki and Dr. Theopolis) wasn't enough clue to give it away? Next time I'll put something at the end like, "get it? just a play on words". Jeez D., sometimes I wonder about you. Yes, MST3000 was awesome, I oftentimes recreate it when I'm watching a bad movie (much to the chagrin of my girlfriend).
And yes, we need to cover the election, I suppose. I also voted on my way in today - I took your advice and avoided the crowd. Then, when I was leaving, instead of just doing the normal thing and going out the way I came in, I chose to go out the door in the back which had a bright red "Exit" light above it. I walked through the door and as it closed behind me I realized I was in back of the gated school property. All gates had locks on them. I wandered around the dewy lawn and tried every door on the back of the school and they were all locked. Then I tried all of the possible gated exits and they all were padlocked. So I had to walk back to the door I came out of, which had luckily not closed all the way and go back through the voting room with wet shoes (grass clippings still clinging to my pant legs). Everyone smiled at me as I made my embarassed escape through the front door. One guy said, "Thanks for voting" and I said, "yeah, eat one".
MST3000 MST3000 MST3000!!!! We need to come up with something for that. I too sometimes watch crappy old movies and ruin them for everyone in the room with inane comments that nobody gets but me. We’ll have to put some thought into this!!! Perhaps, we’ll take turns posting a picture and invite folks to post the perfect caption. Hmmm.
Your “Exit” story is pretty funny. At least you didn’t walk into the Ladies Room.
Avid hunters will tell you that the bigger the buck, the more "gamey" the meat. But if you're only out for points- the bigger the better. Good luck, File Boy.
I got swarmed when I went to vote yesterday. All of these people outside of the school trying to force their views on me. Okay, it wasn't that bad, but they did say things like, "Don't forget to vote for So-And-So" which made me not want to vote for him at all.
MST3000 rocks. I still laugh about the episode starring "Tang" where every time someone mentioned the main characters name, the robot said, "Great for breakfast."
I've eaten all varieties of deer meat and while the fawns are the most delicious, they're all good to me. In fact, to take it one step further, I'll purposely avoid taking a fawn even though they taste better because in the past when I did shoot a fawn it made me so sad. I saw a nice 8-pointer the other day walking around in the field that I will be hunting on Friday. Not sure if he will be sticking around long enough, but I'm sure if I see him Friday morning, I'm going to take a shot at him. Maybe I'll figure out a way to post pics of me with a deer that doesn't give away my identity. I'm sure I could post a pic and then invite MST300-type comments.
You could post the pic with a line of black over your eyes. That way only people who know you will know you.
Besides, who are you afraid of? Are you planning to secretly fake being a Democrat and then run for office under an "Out With Guns" campaign and then turn around and yell (Simpsons) "HA HA" once you get into office? Or are you afraid that the women out here will see you, love you, lust you and then stalk you?
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