Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Point and Counterpoint

In this issue of Point and Counterpoint, we'll take a look at shooting sports. We'll discuss shooting sports in general, which include target practice and clay pigeon shooting, and we'll delve into hunting as well.

Post a comment and let us know where you stand on the issues. Your comment can be the counterpoint.

Point: Animals are delicious. One way to coax them into the freezer is to shoot them first. What say you?

Point: Gun ownership and gun use are protected by the 2nd amendment, and I'm all for gun ownership amongst American citizens. What say you?

Point: I wish American citizens all had the right to carry concealed weapons. I think this would act as a deterrent and reduce crimes. What say you?

Point: I have several guns in my collection now, but I could always use more. We could all use more. Am I right, or am I right? right...right..right... What say you?

Point: I'll hunt anything that I think is edible. I might also be inclined to shoot something that is not edible, if I considered it a pest (skunks, opossums, rats, politicians, etc...). What say you?

Point: I've shot dozens of mammals over the years. After the hunt I always end up covered in blood and feeling confused. What say you?

Point: I find shooting pets to be harder than what we were lead to believe in Old Yeller. What say you?

Point: People, the ultimate challenge. Just kidding. What say you?

Point: I wish I owned more land so I could do more celebratory shooting. What say you?

by File Boy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what? This is so funny just as it is, I hate to defile it with my comments. But since you’ve invited commentary, I’ll give it a go – just for fun.

1. I love the opening line – “Animals are delicious.” Of course I agree. While shooting them is definitely a good way to get them into the freezer, I recall that Bugs Bunny used to use an old trick that involved sliding a false paper scene in front of the train tunnel or in front of the edge of the cliff. I seem to remember that that worked quite well, unless you were Wiley Coyote.

2. Absolutely.

3. Couldn’t agree more. It should be mandatory.

4. (Shaking off visions of Groundhogs Day) – I disagree. It’s not more guns that you need, it’s more bullets.

5. We should have one day each year where it is literally open season on EVERYTHING and Anything. Give real meaning to the term “Fair Game”. You know . . . thin out the herd a bit.

6. I understand the covered in blood part. It’s to be expected, and in some way it serves to verify and confirm your virility. The confusion part is a consequence of just being a big pussy! Kidding – Its pretty clear that you suffer from remorse over the taking of a life. Even the great Indian hunters of the American plain experienced this, which is why they would usually make a sacrifice to the dead animal in an effort to appease its departed spirit and to ask its forgiveness. You'd be a psychopath if you felt nothing.

7. I’ve never shot a pet. But once, when I was a little kid, I did accidentally slam my front door closed just as my pet frog leaped from my hand. It landed on the threshold and was instantly cut in half. My mom screamed at me and my dog tried to eat the half of the frog that was still inside the house, and my dad was screaming something about his fucking walls because frog blood sprayed everywhere. I’ll have to talk to my therapist about this.

8. People? No. Relatives? YES!

9. Celebratory shooting . . . Hmmm. The possibilities are endless!

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.

9:58 AM  

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