Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Why is America Doomed?

The Associated Press is reporting that a Jewish man is upset because his polling place was in a Catholic church, and that a Crucifix hung above the ballot box.

The guy’s name is Dr. Zeev Bar-Av , and he’s 65 years old. His argument is that church and state should be separated.

I don’t even know where to begin with this one – I could go into a diatribe about how everyone has to complain about everything and how they should just shut up - but instead I’ll act like this Jewish doctor and complain about how I feel.

America has now become a place where it is not only acceptable, but encouraged to mock, make trouble for, discourage and ridicule anything that is Christian and/or Catholic. If the guy complained that the voting was being held in a mosque, he’d have more of a point, wouldn’t he? But that story wouldn’t be carried by the Associated Press (“ass. press”) because it would be socially insensitive or not politically correct.

If the guy complained that he had to travel into an African American neighborhood to vote, that story wouldn’t be carried by the ass. press either, for the same reasons given above. It wouldn’t matter if that neighborhood was racked with crime and considered dangerous by everyone. Nowadays the only group of people you can persecute are the religious; and you get extra points if they are white, and triple points if they are male.

As an African American woman, I must tell you that this kind of behavior smacks of prejudice. I was listening to an urban music station the other day and they were discussing a candidate of African American persuasion. One gentleman asked the other (both African Americans) if he was supporting the candidate because he was an African American. The answer was something along the lines of “Not only am I supporting him because he’s an African American, but because he’s good for the African Americans in our area”. Now, let’s replace “African American” with “Christian White man” in the above exchange, and change the radio dial to, oh, let’s say WILM news radio. Here’s the exchange again with those changes, “Are you supporting (name here), because he’s a Christian white man?” Answer: “Not only am I supporting him because he’s a Christian White man, but because he’s good for the Christian white men in our area”.

I wonder what would happen to that disc jockey and that radio program. The Sh-t would hit the fan! Am I right? And some of you may be thinking, “White people vote for white people all the time based solely on the fact that they are white”. I disagree. Besides, who you vote for and your motivation for doing so is your business. You are allowed to be stupid, racist, ignorant, whatever. You just can’t go on the radio and say stuff like that if you are a.) white, b.) Christian/Catholic and c.) male. That’s just the reality.

It’s just annoying that every day I am confronted with this racism and it is acceptable. I often listen to the news or the radio and insert “white” when I hear “black” and see if it sounds racist. Often times it does, but that’s ok, because the last group of people you can persecute are the whites. I guess we’ve come full circle, and people who are white now have to pay for something that happened before they were born, even if their ancestors fought and died to bring freedom to African Americans in this country. Doesn’t matter, you’re white, so you’re guilty.

by File Boy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and how about the skit "N-I-G-G-A-R, its the Niggar family" done on the Chapelle show. I wonder, could a white comedian have made the same sketch?

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>Gasp!< FileBoy said NIGGER and he's a whitey!! I'm tellin.

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey File Boy - could you tell that whole story again, but this time, change 65 year old Jewish guy for 45 year old Catholic woman and exchange the crucifix for a circumsized penis. Thanks!

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there's a little bit of a difference between a crucifix and a penis. Hanging a penis at a polling place is as inappropriate as funding for the arts when that art is entitled "Piss Christ" and is nothing more than a crucifix in a bucket of urine, and that funding comes from all Americans, even those offended by it. See, there are some things that are meant to inflame and offend to provoke something (thought, anger, change). Othertimes, people just want to be a-holes. The church's good deed of opening its place of worship to the government as a place of polling is thrown back in their face with allegations of inappropriate religious decorations. Give me a break.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the church offered to open its doors to Republican . . .I mean American voters in an effort to keep the Jews and deviants from voting. Sorry. My mistake.

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why a lot of people think that Christians/Catholics and Jews aren't on the same side. I understand the differences in the religions, however its the Christians (conservative right-wingers) that most vehmently support Israel. I don't know anyone in my church, family or in my circle of friends who has anything against any Jewish person. When I meet someone who is Jewish its just like I met a Catholic or a fellow Christian. I assume that we have something in common, that we believe in the same God, and that our world perspective is more likely to be similar than what it would be when I meet an atheist. I realize that many Jewish people have been harassed, put down, killed and their rights trammeled on for so long that its hard to give up the notion that things are getting better and not everyone hates them.

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Polling places are chosen based on location and convenience. The local gov't probably asked the church rather than the church saying, "Ooh, ooh, pick me!" At the time of the election, however, it is manned by election officials- not church members so that everyone would feel comfortable. If they didn't want to go to the church- they should have driven across town.

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

File Boy - you reminded me of a bizarre experience I suffered many years ago at a Jewish Passover dinner, which I happened to be attending. The host (Jewish and avid golfer) was very good friends with another avid golfer who happened to be the Deacon of his Church. The Jewish golfer thought it would be fun/interesting to invite the Deacon to Passover dinner.

Throughout the entire dinner, the Deacon kept saying things like “Well, you see this prayer right here? We Catholics WROTE THAT!”; and “Its AMAZING! Our faiths seem so similar, but you guys just sort of dropped the ball after the Old Testament.”; and “You know, we Catholics LOVE Jews! You know why? Because you all sort of did the heavy lifting that allowed us Catholics to finish what you all started – I mean after all, you know what a Catholic is don’t you? A Catholic is a Jew that’s finished. – You all just ain’t finished, that’s all that’s wrong with you!”

I wish I had a video camera going – it would have been priceless.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catholicism is practically a cult.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sad to admit it, but I know a lot of Christians who are like that in a lot of ways (not towards Jewish people, just rude in general). They have a feeling that what they believe is right and any deviation from that is wrong. I don't have a problem with them feeling that way, its just all about the delivery. Funny that a religion based on Christ has followers who so often act like anything other than Christ. If Christians actually acted like Christ, they'd win a lot more recruits.

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgiveness and Love my brother. Forgiveness and Love.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, thanks for the compliment and the offer to go make 800 dollars or more a month. I can tell you really care about me and want me to make money from home, sitting around not working. Unfortunately I work all day. When I go home I do more work. So, you just go ahead and take your little web site and crumple it up and cram it. OK? Thanks.

10:10 AM  

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