Good Taste / Bad Taste
Here’s the Third installment (and the first pre-Christmas effort) of what I still hope will become a regular feature here on Why I Shoot Stuff. The premise is simple. A picture, photograph, image, or quote (or anything that provokes thought) will be posted under the heading “Good Taste / Bad Taste”. Sometimes there may be an accompanying commentary to get your literary juices flowing. Either way, you’re invited to click in and vent, tear me a new one, or applaud. This one you'll find either blasphemous or nourishing! I like salt on my pretzels. Here’s today’s picture.
Here’s the Third installment (and the first pre-Christmas effort) of what I still hope will become a regular feature here on Why I Shoot Stuff. The premise is simple. A picture, photograph, image, or quote (or anything that provokes thought) will be posted under the heading “Good Taste / Bad Taste”. Sometimes there may be an accompanying commentary to get your literary juices flowing. Either way, you’re invited to click in and vent, tear me a new one, or applaud. This one you'll find either blasphemous or nourishing! I like salt on my pretzels. Here’s today’s picture.

Now you know why they keep the door locked during conclave!
by d.tkon
All they need is a big screen tv and I'm there! Oh and maybe some hot wings. Really, I'm a little confused by the pretzel. I'll have to consult my biblical concordance on that. Let's see..."pretzel as body of christ", no...."delicious bubbly cold brown frothy beer as blood of christ" no...hmmmm I'm not seeing it right now. I'll have to do a more thorough search. Those pics give new meaning to Saint Pauly's Girl.
I think it’s a new ploy to increase church service attendance. Perhaps they’re trying to attract the Homer Simpson crowd. I’d probably take communion and then get right back in line – just turn my shirt inside out or wear a hat!
It would be good if the pretzel was one of those stuffed pretzels from wawa. (drool)...huhhuhh...philly cream cheese....uhhhh sacrilicious.
"Dear God, I know I shouldn't eat thee..."
How about just saying - "Christ this is delicious!"
That was devlishly witty.
Nectar of the gods my friends, come and sup at the table and give in to deliciousness, the vatican wagon way.
I'm off my rocker.
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