Whaddya Say?
This picture is in desperate need of a caption. Tell us what the Caption should be. If we like your suggestion and declare you the winner, we’ll repost the picture with YOUR caption underneath. You won’t be anymore famous, but you’ll feel important! We promise. Also, if you win, you get to pick next week’s picture. Um . . . Except you have to find it and e-mail it to us. OH! And as far as how the winner is picked? That is top-secret information that only File Boy and I have access to. Our advice? Make it funny. If you can’t make it funny, you can bribe us with PayPal. Now give us a funny caption for this picture. (Nothing too obvious please!)
(apparently, the last thing this photographer recalls before having her lights punched out was making a kissy face at old Joey here, while trying to shoot some video. Fortunately, the camera kept running during the vicious attack thus enabling the police to quickly locate her teeth)
She should have listened the first time.
Ooooh! Good one!
No white after Labor Day (punch!!)
Get back in my pouch!
Say Cheeee... ouch!
Photographer surprised to learn front legs nearly as strong as rear...
Special Olympics day at zoo turns traggic...
House wife with photo hobby still searching for answers to yesterday's unfortunate turn of events, teeth...
Happy Fun Fuzzy Roo Farm, Inc., "nothing more than a bunch of angry kangaroos" says surprised journalist...
Jesus ignores pleas to stop the beating at local Roo Petting Farm, woman bashed about the head and jaw for hours after attempting ultra-close-up.
Parent of college student secretly dreams of future upon hearing of daughter's desire to major in animal photography.
Wow File Boy! That's a lot to pick from. I like the "Say Cheese" line which prompted me to think "YOU fucking say cheese Bitch!" >POW<
How about this . . .
"Well, all she did was ask it's handler "Isn't the name Mike Tyson a little strange for a Kanga(CRUNCH)"
Or . . . Britany Spears introduced her new bodyguard to the Paparazzi today in a true Kodak moment. . .
German Speaking Kangaroo, Subject of Countless Photographs, Heard to Exclaim, "Dumkupf!", Prior to Assault...
(See, if someone doesn't stop me, I end up travelling down the "crazy path" that my therapist is always cautioning me against.)
I won't stop you! And as long as you stay ON the path (regardless of the one you choose) you'll be just fine!!!
How about this . . ."Big Feet? How'd ya like a fat lip to go with that fat ass!"
"I said ONE picture!"
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