Whaddya Say Chapter III
This picture is obvioulsy in desperate need of a caption! You guys know the rules by now. Make it funny and just let us know where you want us to send the prize money. Speaking of prize money, this guy looks like he could use a few dollars – though I doubt he’d spend the money on orthodondia. OOH! I have a good caption!! Here it is:

Apparently, his girlfriend has teeth!
by d.tkon
This picture is obvioulsy in desperate need of a caption! You guys know the rules by now. Make it funny and just let us know where you want us to send the prize money. Speaking of prize money, this guy looks like he could use a few dollars – though I doubt he’d spend the money on orthodondia. OOH! I have a good caption!! Here it is:

Apparently, his girlfriend has teeth!
by d.tkon
He looks like someone just told him he had to get a job.
Answer: 7.5
Question: How many teeth do you have, sir?
Responding to firefighter's urgent requests for a hydrant wrench, local man Melvin Whitaker...
Sure Melvin had been to town before, but when the caretakers took him to the office with the big sign out front: "Dentist", his reaction was priceless
Does anybody have a bottle cap opener? Oh, Melvin... how are you?
Bumfights II - Revenge of Melvin
New straw hat - $7.95.
New pair of heavy duty jumper cables - $39.95
Getting your testicles caught between your car battery and your new jumper cables - PRICELESS!
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