Skeleton From 1800s Unearthed In Allentown
ALLENTOWN, Pa. -- Workers excavating a site for a housing development unearthed a skeleton that is most likely from the 1800s, according to authorities.
Morowville Chief Deputy Coroner Paul Zimmo said the remains were from a person who most likely died of natural causes and was buried in a grave on the property, which used to be a farm.
The skeleton was exhumed Friday from a lot in the Dillmoor development in Lower Macunsac Township, and Zimmo added that a forensic anthropologist with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission will examine the remains. The state will eventually rebury them, Zimmo said.
He said the wooden coffin had disintegrated, but the skeleton was surrounded by flat nails from around 1850.
"We don't think it's a crime scene." He says criminals usually don't bury their victims in coffins," Zimmo said.
After thanking the excavators, Joan went on to say that she planned to host the Grammy’s next year with her daughter, Melissa.
By File Boy
That's my nightmare - that I'll be burried somewhere enjoying my eternal repose, and some idiot will come along and develope my burial site with a Home Depot, and I'll have to be examined, catalogued, and then reburried unceremoniously. Fuck that! They can build the Home Depot somewhere else. I think I want 2 tons of explosives burried with me so that if they want to remove me, it will be a major pain in the ass!
I'll just be happy when they put her back in the ground. I'm tired of seeing that ol bag of bones running around making fun of everyone else at awards shows.
Forget the explosives, just have them bury you with itching powder and whoopy cushions, so people will at least be able to have a chuckle before putting you back.
I wonder if you can pay some one to booby trap your remains. I don't care what it costs, I just want my heirs to have to say "booby" in conection with my death.
You could also leave a small donation to the Audubon Society for the Study and Protection of the Titmouse. Robin Redbreasts are nice too. My fiance and I were dring around over the weekend talking about funny bird names. I like warbler. You could see how many times you can put warbler in your will.
"To my great aunt sally: I leave warbler.
For Uncle Fred, who always reminded me of the warblers, I leave my collection of fine linens.
To my brother, I leave my warbler nest collection.
I love the word warbler.
In closing, warbler, titmouse, booby trap, titicaca.
Thank you, Dtkon."
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