Attached you will find a chart depicting what I think are the best chances for snow in the coming days and weeks. These predictions are for the Delaware Valley and the surrounding area.
If I had to make a wager, I'd bet that some time between the 26th of January and the 3rd of February we're going to get a good snowstorm (I really am hoping so). By big snow I'm thinking over 6 inches. We'll see. If nothing else, it looks like its going to be cold into at least the first week of February, but then again, you already knew that, right?
If I see something that changes any of these predictions as we get closer to them I'll post an update and let you know what to expect.
by File Boy
Fileboy Darling -- now tht's what I'm talking about!!! A simple, uncomplicated chart tht basically tells me what to wear and when. No map of the US w/wiggle-squiggly lines which mean absolutely nothing to me. No hi/lo barometer crap which means you have to remember if good weather equals hi or lo. No doppler radar going round and round sweeping away stuff on my tv screen and pretending to show me what it's doing outside my window. A plain, simple -- and yes -- color-coordinated chart to post on my closet door tht will help me pick out what to wear when I wake in my morning fog. You're the best!!!!
Screw the weather prediction, I just want to know if you see me getting a raise in the forcast?
And by the way, I'm predicting darkness (highest probability will be between the hours of 8:00 PM and 4:00 AM. But don't hold me to it.
...d.tkon, we're supposed to be humoring FB so we don't set him off again, remember. Your comments are totally antagonistic and uncalled for. Pls show the proper respect to the thought and hard work FB has put forth into this effort. I for one am always grateful to anyone or anything tht helps me w/the morning clothes decisions.
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