Friday, May 04, 2007

New Jersey Governor Corzine First NJ Governor to be Involved in Auto Accident While in Office...

However, Reports Indicate High Likelihood that McGreevey was Repeatedly Rear-Ended While in Office

Now Gay Former Governor Considering Priesthood

Picture of McGreevey While In Office (note: Shiny bratwursty lips of ex-governor)

NEWARK, N.J. -- James E. McGreevey, the nation's first openly gay governor, has become an Episcopalian and wants to become a priest in that faith, according to a published report.

For a man who has accomplished so much (was elected governor, met numerous men in clandestine settings for romance which went undetected almost all of the time, maintained successful homosexual relationships while maintaining a heterosexual marriage, had a family (although some say the news of his gayness nearly rectum), successfully divorced his wife, parlayed his resignation from his governorship into a book deal), becoming a priest was just the next logical step.

The former governor, who was raised as a Roman Catholic, was officially received into the Episcopal religion on Sunday at St. Bartholomew's Church in Manhattan, said the Rev. Kevin Bean, vicar at St. Bartholomew.

In accepting McGreevey into the religion and allowing him to pursue priesthood, the Episcopal Church has taken a large stride towards renouncing what many feel is an “outdated" Bible and developing an understanding and acceptance of different life choices.

It is likely that St. Bartholomew has recognized McGreevey’s accomplishments and that his life’s work has always centered on his definition of holiness and the strict adherence to what he felt were Biblical principles.

With this latest step in his carear, McGreevey has shown that once again, he has used his uncanny ability to turn lemons into fruit punch.

When told of the announcement from St. Bart’s, the sausage-lipped ex-governor said, “While it may be fun to try, you just can’t keep a good man down”.

Probably what McGreevey looked like when he enjoyed a good lip balming.

File Boy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I'd stop bashing other people's life choices. I make me sick.

9:16 AM  
Blogger S'girl said...

Now, this was good! The narrative subtleties are my favorite part. I like it when they just happen and aren't too contrived -- keep up the good work.

As for McG, the priesthood is the natural progression for his career. Where else do you go for fresh meat?

(P.S. As for the woman formerly known as Mrs. McG, yeah right, you just found out abt your husband's gayness two hours before he announced it to the world...)

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was trying to think of a line to post at the bottom like, "In other news...New York City Elects John Gotti Jr. as Police Chief", or "In other news...Boy Scouts and NAMBLA Announce Partnership at Summertime Jamboree".

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"However, Reports Indicate High Likelihood that McGreevey was Repeatedly Rear-Ended While in Office" -- OH LAUGHING MY GOD-DAMN ASS OFF! The juxtaposition of these two headlines is just hysterical. And then you go off slamming McGreevey for no reason which is even funnier! This is a great post and one I shall enjoy long after the internet buzz has worn off . . .

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fifi hooked me up with that rear ending joke. And I don't have a problem per se with what McG does in his private life, I just don't want to hear about it, I don't want him on some mission to make his lifestyle better than mine and I certainly don't want him leading me spiritually. Maybe that makes me intolerant, but to me, you do what you want in your own home and don't tell me about it. I don't tell you about my sex life. Enough already!

7:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - you make some good points here. I totally agree with you (for once) on the lifestyle issue. I don't think that not wanting to know that some guy takes it up the ass makes you intollerant. I agree that his personal life shouldn't be in the public eye. Just go to work, do your job, earn a buck, and don't screw anyone in the process.

Amen brother.

10:07 AM  

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