Oh Chief, I was wondering if you'd sign some of these papers before you left...

Dear God Chief, what are you doing to yourself?! Where are your pants?

Come in Jane. Don't be afraid. You know I've always felt you were a handsome woman. Look upon my body. Can you tell me I'm not damn sexy, Jane?

Chief please! We must not succumb to our earthly desires. We must keep our work ethic intact. Oh chief, this is wrong!

Is it wrong when a man loves a woman? I'm pouring you a vodka tonic right now. Here, have a seat. Do you mind if I take off my shirt?

Would you like to take off that blouse?

Oh my. Well its not as though I haven't felt your gaze upon my body. All these long hours at the bank together....is it any wonder we have found ourselves in this embrace?


oh yeah.

Oh Chief.

that's right. just like that. oh yeah.
Don't act all surprised. Deep down you knew he was tappin' that. I mean, he's a man, and men have needs. Putting Ms. Hathaway, a young and attractive, eager-to-please assistant in Mr. Drysdale's office can only lead to one thing. And I think you don't need me to tell you what its going to lead to. Imagine all those late nights, working on the Clampit account. Maybe Milburn calls Jane on his intercom to come into his office. Then they have a little coctail and frank discussions ensue. Maybe Jane let's her guard down on one of those hot, steamy nights. Anything can and will happen in Beverly Hills.
You need to go wash your hands. You're at work, right?
your mom washes my hands for me.
So is that what's really going on there over at the bank? And here I thought you were busy, not getting busy! Yes, Jane. I'd like to make a deposit followed by an early withdrawl.
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