I am writing this letter to you because there are some things I want to tell you that may be difficult for you to hear. I think you should sit down.
You have always been very cute. I’ve always enjoyed your zest for life and your ability to make me laugh. You have always been able to capture the attention of anyone you meet and you have always been fun to be around. Lately though, my opinion of you has changed in many ways and that is the reason I am writing this letter to you today.
This past Tuesday morning when you woke me up because you needed to go outside, I got up out of bed and put on my cold Adidas slippers and my jogging pants (which by the way don’t provide any protection against the cold – the wind comes in through the fabric and whips in and out at will) and my old brown shirt (which is missing a button and also allows the wind in and out and in and out and in and out whenever it feels like it) and took you down stairs. This is something that I do for you every day of your life ever since you came to live with me. When we got down there and I saw those great big smelly dutes you left all over the floor I was in shock. Piecing it together I’m guessing you went down there in the middle of the night and just relieved yourself all over the place without any thought of the morning and my disappointment or the now 61 weeks of training we have endeavored to provide you.
Here we are on week 62 of your training and you still don’t get it. The worst part about it was that I had to leave the big smelly dutes on the floor and take you outside to go pee before I could clean up your “accident” because otherwise we both know you would have just peed on my floor next to your big smelly dutes while I cleaned them up.
Do you know what I want to do when I get out of bed in the morning? I want to go to the bathroom myself! And I don’t want to put on my stupid jogging pants and slippers and my big brown shirt and go stand in the dark and cold so you can walk around and smell the grass and bark at the dark. I wish you would just go out the door and go pee pees and potties like I ask and do it right away. Lately I think you prefer to just go inside on my carpet because it’s nice and warm inside and because you don’t care about my feelings at all.
Then when I came in and remembered that there were great big smelly dutes sitting on the floor and stood there staring at them contemplating how I was going to pick them up, you pretended like they weren’t yours! That so annoyed me. The least you could do at that point is to own up to the fact that you just took a dump on my floor. I liked how you tried to walk past the big brown pile of mess on the carpet and not make eye contact with it like maybe I wouldn’t notice this huge pile of smelly dog pies sitting right there in the middle of my living room.
It sucked big time when I realized we were out of paper towels and I had to go into the bathroom (which by the way is the appropriate place to put your big piles of steaming feces but forget it because I know you aren’t even listening to what I’m saying anyway) and get toilet paper so I could wad it up and grab the now cold pooh piles and take them to the toilet and flush them down and out of my life. Since I didn’t have paper towels I had to make two trips back and forth from your mess pile to the bathroom holding cold smelly poopy piles in my wadded up toilet paper tongs that I made so I wouldn’t get your dung all over my fingers. Then I thought I could smell #2 on my finger which is probably the worst smelling foulness that anyone should ever have to smell so I had to wash my hands repeatedly and all before I HAD A CHANCE TO GO USE THE BATHROOM MYSELF!
You are just totally inconsiderate and self-centered. Do you see me and your mom dropping trou whenever we want to and just relieving ourselves all over our carpet and furniture? When you jump up on the couch, do you ever jump into a big pile that I left there for you? No, of course not. Just once I’d like you to have to clean up poop that I leave on the floor. You would get it all over your paws because you don’t have thumbs or any ability to make toilet paper tongs, you asshole. My mother warned me about you and I should have listened.
Now, I love you and I want what’s best for you. Really, I wish it were ok for you to drop your kibble pellets on my carpet and then we’d all be happy living in amongst the eukanuba-dute-strewn landscape of our living room, but this isn’t reality. The reality is that my carpet won’t ever be the same and its all because of you. I really want you to start to make some sort of effort to only go potties when you are outside. I’m not even going to get into the inside pee-pee problem, but you know what I’m talking about. I hope you enjoy your stay at the vet tonight getting shots from Dr. Beste with the cold rubber gloves and nose acne.
by: Your Loving but Disappointed Master
Don't be fooled by her looks. She looks like a dog that has it together, but when no one's around she's a total loser and likes to poop indoors and eat the cat's food if she can reach it. She will also eat trash if she can get to it.
Cats rule.
I mean, at least they go in a box.
Don't forget, dogs eat their own shit. They'll eat other dogs shit too. So to them, I guess shit is food, and who doesn't get a little food on the carpet now and then?
I had a fried egg fall off my plate the other day and it landed on my floor. I had just cooked it and wasn't about to lose it to gravity. I was still inside the five second rule so I picked it up and inspected the side that hit the floor. It was basically ok. It tasted fine.
Perhaps your dog just isn't hungry enough when she takes a dump. Try feeding her less. Perhaps her shit will be more appetizing to her then and she'll take care of the cleaning up bit herself.
Sometimes I drop cheese doodles on the floor. As long as nobody steps on them you can still eat them even if you don't find them until you vacuum. They don't really look like poo, but "doodle" sounds like doodie and is extremely fun to say. You should try it! In fact, see if you can say "doodle" ten times fast!
By the way, I'm the best animal trainer in the world. I know your cats come when you whistle, but c'mon they've associated that sound with food. You probably could have trained them to come when you fart if you'd thought about it.
I trained my cat not to jump onto any of the horizontal surfaces in the kitchen or dining room. She's allowed to get on all the others and does so willingly. However she will not jump on the counters or table in the kitchen and won't get on the dining room table. Even if her food is up there, so HA! How do you like me now Mr. #1!!!!
You know, I can't decide if you boys love each other, hate each other or thrive on each other's imperfections (altho I suspect it is a bit of all three). But I do know one thing for sure -- this is soooo much fun just waiting and watching to see what comes next and who will win "can you top this" today!
I can't decide either S'Girl. When F.B. talks about farts or poo, or just about anyting, well, I love him! When he talks about the weather, well . . .
Lets just pray for poo!
D - You'll be happy to know that once the winter (and any chance of snowfall) is over, I'm relatively nonplussed by the weather and don't follow it, obsess on it or plan to comment or post about it at all*.
I think you'll find I have a lot of other interests in my life and I'm not at all the geeky weather freak everyone makes me out to be.
*The poster reserves the right to post on occassion if tornados threaten or if hail and/or impressive cumulonimbus clouds are spotted. Also extreme heat/record-breaking high temperatures may prompt some sort of weather-related posting. The management also reserves the right to post about gardens, lawns and farm crops and may in certain instances post comments that pertain to weather in some way. It is also possible the management will begin to obsess about snow and winter earlier in the year than most people would consider appropriate at this latitude (late September/early October) and will no doubt begin to track low temperatures over the summer to report on any records which have been broken or may be in jeopardy on any given day.
Oh and for the record I like Dtkon, I don't hate him at all, ever. I don't care what he posts, I always enjoy it.
And I agree cats rule. Dogs aren't too bad though.
Ok! Hugs for everyone! Hey F.B. I wasn't saying that ever hate you or your posts! Jeez! I hope you didn't take that away from my last comment! I was just stating my preference for the non-weather related entries. But even they're cool. Well ok, up to a point.
Anyway, We're so busy over here I can't imagine life sucking any more than it does right now. I've been working six and a half days a week for the past month and it only seems to be getting worse. I think I might just be ready to take a bullet. So if you have to go, what's the best way to do it? We might need an article on that. Might come in handy!
Instead of taking a bullet why don't you take your talent and get a new gig? You'd probably make a boat load of dough and have less hours.
I think you like to work 6.5 days per week. There's no other explanation for it. You are a glutten for punishment, which by default makes you #2 in my book. You can't be #1 if you take a bullet or if you continue to spend that much time at work. When do you sort through your coins and rare paper currency collections?
I'll keep your suggestion about getting my own gig in mind. Its actually an intriguing idea! I think a great law firm name would be Bicker, Back & Forth. We could get a giant Winnebago and provide roving legal services from our Legal-Mobile-Response Unit, which would be dispatched following every catastrophe, terrorist event or minor fender bender from our secret lair. You have to have a lair. Don't you agree?
I know what you mean about free time. But think about it, to a guy in my position, "free time" is a dirty word! Sadly, I don't have any collections of anything. The only things I really like to collect are facts and memories. And I keep them in my head, where I can sort them any time I like. But I wouldn't mind spending 6 hours every day watching that Japanese dubbed Maximum something or other show on the SPICE channel, where Japanese contestants participate in utterly ridiculous competitions. I love the one where the contestant has to toboggan down a greasy hill in a ridiculously oversized giant foam rice bowl without falling out as it bounces off of obstacles capable of causing serious bodily injury. The commentary is always brilliant and utterly irrelevant. My favorite line is this, “Shasheeme Look! Number 23 just auto-donated his own kidney! That show makes me laugh so hard I end up crying half the time. And then there's always Mystery Science Theatre 3000 - only the greatest show ever invented! I could watch that endlessly. CRAP! Now I want a vacation!
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