Instead of creating resumes where everyone tells lies about their experience and talents, I wish people would just tell me why they are irresistible. It would save us all a lot of time and effort getting to know people and finding out they aren't all that their resume has them cracked up to be.
Here’s my: Why I find myself irresistible resume.
I like to work hard and get stuff done. I’m a real people person and I like a lot of good jokes. I like to smile and I like to have fun. Having fun is great.
I listen to music, and my taste in music is better than anyone else I’ve ever met. I like only good music.
I collect coins and rare paper currency.
I try to get the garbage out to the curb on Sunday evenings, and I hardly ever forget.
I have a .22 rifle.
I made the painting above by myself using only the Microsoft Paint program.
I have a box of fireworks that I keep in my garage with a lighter and matches.
I can cook on the grill and it tastes great.
I’m #1 most of the time.
My mouth says no, but my eyes say yes.
When I was younger I collected matchbox cars and I played in the flower bed with them all the time with my friend Barry.
I chopped a tree down the other day and it was like 25 feet tall!
I change the oil in my car all the time by myself.
I often find quicker or more scenic routes to and from work.
I subscribe to hunting magazines.
I can catch and throw a tennis ball using only one hand.
I can trick my dog into thinking I've thrown the tennis ball when really its just behind my back.
I call my cats to breakfast and dinner by whistling and they come when I whistle.
I can eat an entire bag of Red Hot potato chips without taking a drink.
I have bonfires with flames that shoot up through the sky.
I have like 5 mouse traps in my garage and I’ve caught 10 mice so far this year. I'll probably catch like 400 before the year ends.
I saw a snake in the grass last night and I didn’t get scared.
I had to spank my dog one time and I did it without getting all emotional about it until later when I felt bad and had to apologize.
I make good coffee unless the stupid filter falls over and then the coffee grounds get into the coffee and I drink it and get black specks in my teeth. It still tastes great though.
I have a huge plastic Hard Pretzel jar that is almost 1/3 of the way full of coins. There must be upwards of 300 dollars in change in it. 300 dollars will buy you a lot of fireworks.
I buy fireworks on the day after Independence Day because then I get buy-one-get-the-second-one-for-a-dollar type deals.
I always try to get the best deal on my purchases.
I have water balloons that I keep in case I have to fill them up with water and throw them at people when it’s hot out. I also have a few water pistols in case anyone wants to get smart with me.
I put a sticker on my girlfriend’s car of a big racked deer without her permission.
I have four throwing stars.
There’s not a doubt in my mind I’m irresistible, so no references are needed.
by File Boy
Let me know if you think you are irresistible. I'd love to hear why you think you're so great. Don't be sad if you realize half way through that you are probably not as irresistible as I am. Believe me, I'm a hard act to follow. I've learned that I can find myself irresistible several times per week. When I was younger it was several times a day.
I didn't know you collected "coins and rare paper currency."
You're amazing dude! That was absoultely one of the best posts I've ever read on ANY blog (not just this one). That's not a tough act to follow, it's untouchable!
I wish I could write something like that. I decline your invition because I don't think I'm so great. In fact, I don't think I'm great at all. And once upon a time, I used to be a real asshole. Who knows, I still might be. I never had any matchbox cars, but work with a Barry who's no fun at all.
I don't own fireworks or a giant jar of money and my car is a piece of junk, but I'm happier than I've ever been and mostly I'm ok most of the time.
File boy, why do I have this irresistible urge to grab you by your cute little cheeks and just squeeze?
Oh Mr. Anonymous thinks I'm a loser. I'm so hurt by your hurtful words. I guess I'll just go home and take my coin and rare paper currency albums and throw them in the garbage because Mr. anonymous thinks I'm a loser. Not!
Of course I collect coins and rare paper currency. If you think that makes me a loser that's because you're jealous that you don't have any coins and rare paper currency. Plus you're anonymous because you're afraid to admit you don't have any coins or rare paper currency. You probably don't even know how to make paintings or use throwing stars either. Now I bet you are reflecting on how resistable you are. You probably are being hit with a massive downward shame spiral because you never collected coins and rare paper currencies like all the other cool people around you.
Sometimes people have to hit rock bottom before they can begin to climb back up in life. I hope this is as low as you will ever go. You should start by going to the farmers market and picking up some sweet indian heads and then you can come around here and talk to the real irresistable people. Until then I suggest you hang your head in shame. Shaaaammmmeee.
a downward shame spiral . . . shaaaaaaammmmmeeeee!
That's a riot!
By the way, your "I'm #1" post makes me feel like #2 in comparison! ;-0
D - I didn't mean that I'm #1 compared to you. Really I thought I was speaking on behalf of the blog - as in, the editors are #1. Since there are two of us we can rotate who's #1 and who's #2. Anyway, even if we figured out that you were really #1 and I was #2, I'd be honored to be your #2 any time.
That reminds me of a Beavis and Butthead sketch where they are pretending to be on star trek: "#1, go make a #2, uh huh huh huh".
LOL! This is so nutty man! Well, anyway, my favorite #2 reference was from the first Austin Powers movie when Mike Myers was on the toilet being atacked by the Irish guy and he's yelling "Who does Number 2 work for!" And the guy standing outside the stall yells back at him, "That's right! You tell that turd who's boss!"
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