The Whores Of Mensa . . .

I was so intrigued by the title and concept of this collection of comics that I had to post it. What a wonderful new toy – “The Whores Of ___________” All kinds of things come to mind. The Whores of the White House; of the Vatican; of Congress; oops, that last one was redundant. The Whores of (insert your home town or any city). What a wonderful juxtaposition – thinking to put the word “whores” next to the word “of”. I’m delighted. I can’t stop thinking about it.
I’m sure File Boy’s list will be so long it will crash Google’s server (as it should!) Oh my, let’s see . . . The Whores of 9-11; The Whores of Superbowl XXX (that’s thirty, not what YOU were thinking). The Whores of Microsoft; How about the Whores of Ms. Booty’s 4th grade class. (Actually, they weren’t whores, they were sluts and douche-bags, but who’s checking anyway?)
Who would have thought that Mensa could be infiltrated like that? I thought they were smarter than . . . oh never mind. How about, The Whores of Atlantis; of Disney; of the Serengeti; of aisle 14; of Produce; of the insect world; of TeleMundo; of Channel 6; of Cartoon Network; of Bunk 11; of FSU; of abu ghraib; of The Third Reich; of Capitol Hill (oops again, redundant!)
I’m sure File Boy’s list will be so long it will crash Google’s server (as it should!) Oh my, let’s see . . . The Whores of 9-11; The Whores of Superbowl XXX (that’s thirty, not what YOU were thinking). The Whores of Microsoft; How about the Whores of Ms. Booty’s 4th grade class. (Actually, they weren’t whores, they were sluts and douche-bags, but who’s checking anyway?)
Who would have thought that Mensa could be infiltrated like that? I thought they were smarter than . . . oh never mind. How about, The Whores of Atlantis; of Disney; of the Serengeti; of aisle 14; of Produce; of the insect world; of TeleMundo; of Channel 6; of Cartoon Network; of Bunk 11; of FSU; of abu ghraib; of The Third Reich; of Capitol Hill (oops again, redundant!)
Anyway, I think you get the point. This is just plain fun! Anyone know any women who were both whores and Mensa candidates/members? I’ve got to get my hands on a copy of that comic book. Life is good.
What is Jeremy Dennis doing on the cover? Obviously he knows where to go to get the smartest whores.
I'm still trying to figure out how you could ever get into their pants. My luck was always with The Whores Of (______________) <-- Name of popular bar goes here.
In the country we'd have the whores of horses (just because it sounds cool). They'd be a gross bunch though and might be nicknamed the whores of sores.
At the mall you'd find the whores of stores, at home the whores of pores (blackheads mostly). At Airbase Carpet Mart there might be the whores of floors; at parties the whores d'oeuvres. You'd have a time trying to ignore the whores of Coors, they'd bore into you and yours.
Really, this is all academic anyway since I disagree with the premise. I don't think there's any such thing as the whores of mensa. There might be the worldly girls of mensa or the flirtacious girls of mensa, but no whores.
I don't know if I agree with you FB. I think they're everywhere - even in Mensa.
I just think it would be hard to be a whore and have such a huge baloon head, is all. If you could get past their grotesque skulls, then maybe there is some merit in what you say.
I can evision the large, mellon-headed girls of mensa having their brainy ways with me. They would overpower me with their poetic equations. Talking softly into my ear, I would feel their massive beach ball heads coming ever closer. Then we would retire to my bedroom and their heads would dwark my normal sized pillows.
We'd watch tv, but of course I wouldn't be able to see the screen because their heads block it.
The whoers of mensa would whisper: "Shhh...let our brainy ways wash all over your body". I would be aflush in my mensa-rapture, quivering with excrement. I mean excitement.
Wow - women with large blimp-like heads. Interesting. The Whores of GOODYEAR? Oh! That reminds me of my favorite Whores of Mensa joke. What's the difference between a blimp and 365 blowjobs? One is a goodyear and the other is a fucking great year!
I think I know some women with large inflatable heads. It's not pretty.
...whores d'oeuvres!!!! What a great visual!
Worth two helpings at least
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