Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Philadelphia Proclaimed #1!

Congratulations Philadelphia -- Philadelphia #1 – Beating N.Y., L.A., Chicago, Most other Cities!

PHILADELPHIA -- Two people were shot, one of them fatally, at about 7 p.m. Monday in the city's Strawberry Mansion section, police said.

Artistic rendering of a strawberry mansion
Police said both of the shooting victims were men, and the one who survived was taken to a hospital in serious condition.

Investigators collected bullet casings at 30th and Cumberland streets in their investigation but said they had no suspects.

Suspect most likely some sort of "Hustler"

The 128th killing of the year comes on the heels of a bloody, bullet-filled weekend that left 11 people dead across Philadelphia, where drugs and disrespect have trumped brotherly love and the homicide count is on pace to be the highest in a decade.

What it probably looks like in Philadelphia with all the guns

The city has seen more than one killing a day this year, which is indicative of the Herculean effort undertaken by the city to be #1! New York, Chicago and Los Angeles -- whose populations are much larger than Philadelphia's 1.5 million residents -- have had fewer homicides this year. For shame, New York. Tsk, tsk L.A. Better luck next time Chicago.

Probably what all the streets in Philadelphia look like with bodies everywhere

The spike over the weekend was partly blamed on the first warm weather of the season. In the more rural areas of the state warmth usually signals the beginning of the gardening and landscaping season. It may also signal the beginning of ice cream cones and sunbathing. Not in Philadelphia though. Rain or shine, Philadelphia police credit the poverty, the unenforced gun laws and a culture of intimidation that keeps witnesses silent -- and shooters on the streets.
If you lived in the country you'd see gardens with flowers instead of all your corpses

"It's the community's decision right now," said police Capt. Benjamin Naish. "They are the people that must stand up and get angry and say, 'Only 128 and we’re already at the end of April? Can’t we do better?"'

They have, in a way. The countless candlelight vigils, rallies and community meetings have done a great job in increasing the homicides, which are 17 percent higher than last year at this time.

Candlelight vigils will probably fix the problem

Let’s hear it for Philadelphia, #1 once again! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!

by: File Boy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was an article in the news yesterday that Mayor Nagin was quoted as saying to some of his constituents in New Orleans something to the effect of - 'If you think this is bad, you ought to go walk around in Philly for a while. We have a lot of work to do, but we've got them beat by a mile'. Your town has to be pretty dirty if a shifty, ne'er-do-well mayor like Nagin comes to you for hand-outs, and then can't help but be skeeved-out by how dirty your town is.

Philly ad:

"Filthier than Post-Katrina New Orleans"

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite Philadelphia slogan:

"Welcome to PhiladHEY!!! THAT's MY GOD-DAMN CAR!!!"

Love the article. The little pictures are like icing on the cake. I started laughing with the strawberry mansion and didn't stop till the end. But of course at the end I had to stop. It's like the old rule, "You can laugh all the way to the bank, but once inside, you have to stop."

So, where'd you get the wonderful picture of a hallway littered with dead bodies? I'd much rather look at shit like that than have to suffer through page after page of photos of Adriana Lima. Well almost. Speaking of dead bodies, I accidently came across a video on the internet of Nick Berg getting his head cut off by 5 towel-heads. It's easily the most disturbing video I've ever seen. His screams in the beginning were utterly unnerving.

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just did a Google search for "dead bodies" and VOILA!

I can't watch people dying, it freaks me out.

I didn't even watch Hussein being hanged, though I would if I knew where to go to find it. I think we should all have to watch that guy swing. Also the Nazi guys after WWII. We should have to at least annually sit through footage of how they were executed (the ones who were caught).

I'm always galled by people like Nagin. Here we are collecting blankets and foodstuffs at church and this douchebag is going to criticize the city for being dirty? Hey, I'm the first guy to point out that its a dump, but that's my right for living here. Nagin in my mind should win the King Poopy award. King Poopy - I smell a post. Or is that something else I smell?

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was so freaked out from watching Nick Berg get decapitated that I was practically shaking. It served me right for watching though. Last time I do that.

Nagin is a creep. I'm surprised some 'Loosiana gator hasn't chomped his ass off yet. But isn't that just like a mayor of a cesspool? You know your town's a toliet, but hey, your toilet is better than anyone elses toilet.

Reminds me of a spongebob episode where . . . oh nevermind.

I'm going to go look for dead bodies.

3:35 PM  

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