Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tig Old Bitties

So last night my fiance was telling me booby that the blog has too many “bad words” in it. She was bitching at me about it saying that someone’s always gotta throw vagina bad words in. She said she thinks some of the bloggers here have some sort of fixation titties with bad words. “I don’t know dang about that” I argued.

Then she started mocking us. She was all, “Hey everyone, let’s get on the blog and write dirty jokes about stuff”. Then she was like, “Oh and then Dtkon will totally suck your d_ck and say what you wrote was all funny and sh_t”. Then you’ll write back to D and be all like, “Hey thanks I’m great I know it”.

My opinion damnation is that she needs to try and shitface lighten up a little. I’m not saying swearing and vulgarity asswipe is always a good thing. Quite the contrary, I think vibrator that vulgarity is best when peppered in for good effect. No need to cock meat overdo it.

In conclusion, I told nipple her that I would do my best testicles to limit that sort of thing here on the blog. Besides, even if bad words do increase your manhood the amount of hits we register in the “Pricfor” counter, if we have to resort to indecency filthy degrading to women titty bar penis to get it, it isn’t crap worth it.

Nude pics of Lindsey Lohan naked strip tease beer alcohol Paris Hilton model wardrobe malfunction suck me beautiful

by File Boy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if using bad language increases hits on blog? Pricfor is at 589 when this was posted. Note to self: consider including more vulgarity in posts. People like it I think. Consider adding meaningless references to adult themes and language. Sexy. Consider some spicy double entendre and adult situations. Think "Jack Tripper".

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your fiance really has something there. I mean about how you guys pat each other on the back and congratulate each other and tell each other how great you are.
I mean, I'm just sayin'... I noticed it, too.

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks ADD Girl, I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks these guys are secretly hot for each other.

11:34 AM  
Blogger S'girl said...

Personally, I'd much rather you two take your frustrations out here in the blog than out on the street. There are enuf people out there tht hold back and then crack one day and take down way too many people w/them. Not to mention that quite a few of the entries really make me laugh!

Besides, if addgirl and fifi want a nice clean blog I'm sure there is somebody writing abt how to plant your petinuas or bake a cake. Personally I love being able to write FUCK, SHIT, ASS and a whole bunch of other stuff on my work computer and getting past the super-duper filters they've installed to stop such things!

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Figures S'Girl would take it back down into the basement.

tampon poopy

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

S'Girl, I did find a nice, clean blog about Douche Bags. Come to think of it, you were nominated as the Douche Bag of the Week!

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're going to resort to name calling, please, do it in song.

...wrapped up like a douche by a runner in the night blinded by the light...

Summer wind came blowin in, from across the bay....

I feel refreshed now.

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man! This post is such a bummer. First I wanted to curse, but since you’re all counting dirty words, watching, criticizing, I won’t. Then I wanted to tell FB how brilliant he was for saying “If you’re going to resort to name calling, please do it in a song!” But I don’t want to risk being accused (again today) of being gay or having the hots for by good pal FB. So I won’t tell him how hard I laughed when I read that. Guess I’ll have to pass. And as for the rest of you (insert expletives here), you can just (expletive) kiss my (expletive)! Why don’t you all put on your little creative thinking caps, start a blog and entertain ME for a while! (Expletive!!!!)

FB – Your little non-sequitur (Nude pics of Lindsey Lohan naked strip tease beer alcohol Paris Hilton model wardrobe malfunction suck me beautiful) is probably going to make the counter go berserk! Why the hell (oops ) heck didn’t you think of that before?

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to come down on the first ammandment ass-hole.

2:21 PM  

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