Hilary Rodham Clinto
Is it any coincidence that each of the above names has 6 letters? 666 anyone? I can’t believe you people don’t see what’s about to happen. Clearly the anti-christ has now made her move, and whether Mrs. Clinto is satan’s prophet the anti-christ, the fabled “beast” or the Harlot of Babylon herself, it is too early to tell.
I just can’t believe the entire world has left it to me to break this story. People, seriously. Now we need to be thinking about what we’re going to do after her initial 3.5 years of good and plenty. I think when the second half of this period starts, I don’t want to be here to see it! A day’s labor for a cup of wheat? No thanks.
Ok, maybe I’m getting a little overexcited, but you know what? The republicans have left this presidency wide open for any challengers. I think absent a miracle on the Republican’s part, whoever wins the democratic nomination will be our next president.
I hate to resort to this, but people, we need to continue our string of male presidents. A woman can’t handle all of the stuff you need to do as a president. And there’s a lot of stuff. Think about it. The red button? The red phone? Nukes people. Nukes. There’s the epidemic of avian influenza. A woman can’t handle that. What are we going to do? Walk into the white house and ask mommy president to patch us up with a little penicillin? I doubt she’ll even have any.
It’s not like she can even cure cancer. What if you are walking down the street and you come down with cancer? You didn’t think of that, did you? Now what? “Oh, we have Hilary Rodham Clinto in the white house. I’m sure she can protect us.” But then when you get there you find out it’s the Beast. Now what are you going to do? And then the Beast is all like, “Ha ha, you have fallen into my trap. Now I’m going to eat you.” Don’t come crying to the Republicans because we’re going to be busy in Heaven.
Besides, we have a pretty good thing going now, don’t we? I mean, aside from whatever propaganda the extremist left forces down our throats during the nightly news. We all know it’s those commi-pinko-leftists who own the news corporations anyway.
All I’m saying is just think before you vote. If it smells like a satan, walks like a satan and talks like a satan…
By File Boy
Is it any coincidence that each of the above names has 6 letters? 666 anyone? I can’t believe you people don’t see what’s about to happen. Clearly the anti-christ has now made her move, and whether Mrs. Clinto is satan’s prophet the anti-christ, the fabled “beast” or the Harlot of Babylon herself, it is too early to tell.
I just can’t believe the entire world has left it to me to break this story. People, seriously. Now we need to be thinking about what we’re going to do after her initial 3.5 years of good and plenty. I think when the second half of this period starts, I don’t want to be here to see it! A day’s labor for a cup of wheat? No thanks.
Ok, maybe I’m getting a little overexcited, but you know what? The republicans have left this presidency wide open for any challengers. I think absent a miracle on the Republican’s part, whoever wins the democratic nomination will be our next president.
I hate to resort to this, but people, we need to continue our string of male presidents. A woman can’t handle all of the stuff you need to do as a president. And there’s a lot of stuff. Think about it. The red button? The red phone? Nukes people. Nukes. There’s the epidemic of avian influenza. A woman can’t handle that. What are we going to do? Walk into the white house and ask mommy president to patch us up with a little penicillin? I doubt she’ll even have any.
It’s not like she can even cure cancer. What if you are walking down the street and you come down with cancer? You didn’t think of that, did you? Now what? “Oh, we have Hilary Rodham Clinto in the white house. I’m sure she can protect us.” But then when you get there you find out it’s the Beast. Now what are you going to do? And then the Beast is all like, “Ha ha, you have fallen into my trap. Now I’m going to eat you.” Don’t come crying to the Republicans because we’re going to be busy in Heaven.
Besides, we have a pretty good thing going now, don’t we? I mean, aside from whatever propaganda the extremist left forces down our throats during the nightly news. We all know it’s those commi-pinko-leftists who own the news corporations anyway.
All I’m saying is just think before you vote. If it smells like a satan, walks like a satan and talks like a satan…
By File Boy
I haven't had the opportunity to visit in a while and I'm so happy to come back to this. Hilarious!!! I'm laughing so hard!
tears dripping down my face, thanks for giving me the link "A.D.D. girl."
FB - You make a lot of good points. I mean it's so obvious that you must be absolutely correct about this. I mean you got the 6 6 6 thing nailed dead on, she’s a woman, I mean it all adds up right? I mean wasn’t this the evil loving plan of Sata all along? I mean you’ve caught the Devi himself red handed! How brillian of you to notic this! I don’t know how any of us could hav missed this! Thank for seeing right throug to this! Thank God for yo .
What's so funny?
addgirl laughing? ben with tears? d.t. acting like it's all a joke? He's so right. All of those things are right on the target. She may be the antichrist and won't you all be suprised?
FB - Relax man! You know how far to the left I lean correct? There's no way in hell I'd ever vote for that bitch! In fact, when I heard that Guilianni was going to run, I put him at the top of my list. Now THAT's a freakin candidate! As you know, the initial Democratic front runner always falls off the face of the Earth. She's just a sacrificial lamb running interference for a more serious Dem
OMG, Fileboy the things tht ruminate around in your brain scare me! Relax dude, no woman in her right mind (including me even though my mind hasn't been very right lately) wld even consider voting for her. Not only did she let Billy run amuck in the whitehouse and then not have enuf balls to leave him, but her whole "it takes a village" theory is just a lazy woman's approach to childrearing. Further, no man wld consider voting for her because she's not good enuf to look at -- sad to say but true. I mean, do you really think the first woman president is gonna look like a dog's leftovers?
Although, I do respectfully disagree w/the whole red button, red phone rant. The first thing any woman wld do is change it to mauve because it goes so well w/your complexion!
I don't know, I think we've all seen this coming for several years now. She's been biding her time. My opinion is that she only stayed married to Bill Clinto after the Monica Lewinsky scandal so she could eventually run. Not that she's against divorce, but it would impact her chances of becoming president. Just my opinion, but she makes me nervous. Then again its inevitable. Every civilization must some day come to an end. The Bible said it would happen. Might as well set aside some vacation time for when we all have to trek to the Hills of Megiddo. Ughh, hopefully it will at least be better weather than we're having now. I totally don't feel like fighting hordes of evil soldiers in cold and snow!
One word people:
Are you sure you didn't hit anything other than just your knee? Perhaps your head on the floor as well?
I don't need to hit my head to damage my brain, I use alcohol for that, thank you very much.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some brain cells to drown.
I want to have sex with Hillary Clinton.
Figures you would, anonymous, you've always enjoyed sex with the heads of state. That's one thing I've always said about you. "Good old anonymous and his presidential sex dreams" we always used to say back home.
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