Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Man And Coffee Table Have Unfortunate Collision

Townsend, DE – A boulder? A large piece of wood with nails sticking out of it? A sharp piece of metal with a hornet’s nest attached? A set of punji sticks with poison tips?

A Delaware man thought one of those had come into contact with his knee and knocked him onto his back with no apparent warning while walking through the den last night.

But it was none of the above. A coffee table which had not been moved recently seemed to almost jump out and whack the man in his knee when he tried to walk past it last night. The man fell backwards in agonizing pain, swearing profusely and grasping his bruised knee. While writhing in pain the man looked over at the table to see if it had swung a bat into his knee, but there was no evidence of any bats, hornets nests or punji sticks.

The coffee table was not harmed, although the man reports a mind-numbing soreness today. A soreness which seems to continue to increase as this boring day plods on and on…

Jeez this really hurts.

Seriously. I can barely take much more of it. Er, uh… the man was quoted as saying later.

by File Boy


Blogger S'girl said...

okay, knees probably hurt (and BTW, I'm thinking either tht is really some very tall coffee table or you're a lot shorter than I thought) BUT, what abt when you whack one of your toes and the pain goes straight to your eyeball and you see stars and lights and fall down and you're positive you're dead?!? I actually broke my toe on a coffee table once and even today I can tell when it's gonna rain!

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm normal height, but the corner of that table lines up perfectly with my knee. Its right there. And I hit my knee on the side of my knee cap - which made it feel like my knee cap came off momentarily. There are no swear words sufficient for this pain. Shucking Mitter Custard!

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Is the coffee table ok? If not, I know a good carpenter who takes blue cross and blue shield.

I broke my big f-ing toe one time, but have no memory of how I did it. I do remember that I repeatedly re-wounded it for what seemed like an entire year - kids stepping on it, dropping shit on it, re-stubbing it. Once my daughter actually stepped on it on purpose while simultaneously saying, "Is this your bad toe Dad?" I had hoped she'd make it past eight years old before learning the "F" word, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

We need a top 10 list of stupid ways to injure yourself. Since you've already begun the research, I suggest you continue this project (but carefully please).

S'girl - " . . . and you're positive you're dead?!?!" That's a riot!

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah ha ha ha ha! You knee capped yourself!! How long did you lay there on the floor?

3:02 PM  

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