Apropos Of Nothing

Even when crying this young lady still has a beautiful face. Admittedly though, it’s more fun to watch her cry than sing – especially when she’s crying about . . . well, read for yourself.

Ok – what are we trying to say here folks? No wonder people are confused. Take off the hood and, Jesus Christ!!!! It’s Father MacKaye!!! Oh my god!
Put the hood back on and Jesus Christ!!!!! It’s Father MacKaye in a hood!! Oh my god! Believe me, it was the giant green cross that gave it away. Father MacKaye was always loyal to his Irish roots. Don’t you think that the Catholic Church should do a better job protecting the image of the cross? You don’t see other hamburger joints using giant golden arches to sell their burgers do you? McDonalds is right there lickety-split with a lawsuit the moment you try. Isn’t the cross like trade mark protected and shit? How can the KKK use that symbol without the Church getting all uppity? I’m pretty sure the Church can find a good lawyer somewhere to write a scathing cease and desist letter to the Clan.
Ok – sing with me.
Who can take a Negro,
Hang him from a tree
Light a cross on fire and
Make the news on channel 3
The Clandy-man
The Clandy-man can
The Clandy-man can
Cause he knows his Arian vison
will make the whole world good

Actually – I’ve been hearing reports that the KKK is doing it’s best to improve its image with the public. I think picking up litter on the highway is a great way to start? Rumor has it though that every once and a while, one of the KKK litter patrol gets picked off by a swerving Cadillac. Maybe they should leave their hoods at home.
by dtkon
Ok the song was awesome. Good use of pictures (helps me to understand what's going on). Excellent tie in from other post (Apropos of Everything!)
You know, maybe its just that I've been in a DTKON Blog-Post Desert, but that was just genius. I mean, I started laughing when I saw Brittany crying. Then I was like, "oops...(click of mouse several times to minimize)" when I saw the Klansman. Then when I read the Klandyman can I realized why you are on the payroll here.
Well done, and glad to have you back, D.
More to come oh praiseful one!
too funny
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