I want to post something, but I don't really have anything to write. I suppose that's true of most people who use blogs, at least from what I can tell from reading several of them.
With that in mind, I'd like to write a little something about the Holidays.
Christmas is nigh upon us and once again, I'm unprepared. Every year I purpose to buy gifts throughout the year so I'm not hit with this big crunch come December 20-something. And, every year I find myself feeling bad about how I don't have money to buy gifts and how I'm so unthoughtful for not buying more. Even during those years when I go all out, I wonder, was it enough to show everyone how I'm celebrating the reason for the season? Does everyone know I keep Christmas in my heart?
I saw the Christmas Carol movie the other night (my favorite version with George C. Scott as Scrooge). In the movie, Jacob Marley comes back to warn his friend that if a spirit does not wander about in life, he is doomed to do so after death so that he can see what he might have been able to partake in, had he wandered about (or something like that). It made me wonder if I wander enough?
The movie also made me think about whether we've all forgotten about what the true meaning of Christmas is. I think in our Christmas frenzy we all lose sight of the most important element of the Holidays. I find myself wondering whether or not people will ever stop this gift and gadget buying and remember that jolly, red, chubby fellow up north. After all, isn't Christmas supposed to be a celebration of Santa Clauses birthday?
Jesus Christ people, let's not get carried away with the doo-dad giving of the Holiday without stopping to give thanks for Santa. Can you imagine how cold it is at the north pole where Santa and Mrs. Claus live? And just think about all of their sacrifices come Christmas time. Here I am worried that I haven't bought enough crap for other people, when I haven't stopped for a minute to give thanks for Santa.
I want you to take a minute to think about the true meaning of Christmas. Think about Santa Claus, and all that he's done for you. When you are in line wondering whether or not you should buy something, ask yourself, "What Would Santa Do?"
I hope this resonates with you, our lone reader this Christmas season. Think about what I said, and get out there and celebrate Santa.
by file boy
I heard a funny radio show this morning. The talent was discussing the shittiest gifts they every got for christmas. The guy who won got a shirt that cost $4.00.
I think that 87.3% of the shit that's given under the guise of a "Christmas" present is undesired and/or obligatory. And worse, from the other end, much of it is expected. Where's the holiday spirit in that?!
Every gift I'm giving this year is or will be unrequested, unwanted and done with little thought or effort. I just go online and click on several pieces of crap and then get my stupid credit card bill and spend the next month shoveling my way back out of debt. Merry Christmas!
(every gift except those I give to my lovely fiance, for whom i undergo painstaking effort to ascertain her truest Christmas wishes and then feel fortunate to be the one to make all of her dreams come true. Paying off this debt is a joy to my heart because I know it made her happy.)
I just delivered 16 pounds of cookies to clients. They must not feed people in the insurance industry very well. These folks tore into them like feeding time at the zoo!
Nothing says "Happy Birthday Santa" like 16 pounds of cookies.
Every year I walk away from my family Christmas thinking, "Dammit, again this year I gave better than I got." And I know that's not exactly In The Spirit of the season, but dammit- why doesn't anyone think of me? And I'm decidedly suspicious of the bag my sister's gift to me came in. I'm almost positive the bag is the same one I BOUGHT to put her gift in last year. And now it comes back to me. Not with the cute little dangly card serving as proof that it's a new, unused bag- but with a little makeshift tag thingy that she made herself. I don't mind reusing bags, really I don't. But it's very poor taste to give the bag BACK to the person who gave it to you. If you're going to give me something back, give me the MP3 Player or the T-Fal set. No. I get the bag I gave with a sweater running for the Ugliest Piece Of Clothing contest and winning every year. Dammit!!! And don't even get me started on the spatulas. No, really. I've been DYING for spatulas. I don't care they they can stand up tp 410º of heat. I don't care if you can use them in your nonstick pans. I really don't care if you can throw them in a friggin' volcano- SPATULAS ARE NOT A GIFT. But I smile graciously and thank everyone. I'm ripping them off on their birthdays this year.
And my husband sitting there smirking. He told me I think too much about what I give people because they don't think that much about what they give me. He laughed at me. It's like he called everyone and asked them to give me crappy gifts just make him right. And they definitely made him right.
I told him it's about giving to others, which is what it's supposed to be, but as a direct result of Christmas' past wherein I've been shafted in the gift department, I could hardly feel good about giving so many well-thought-out gifts. So now I buy myself a little something to thank me for doing so well for others. It's about the only way to get the recognition I tell me I deserve.
But, seriously, my family are good people. I love every single one of those cheap bastards, really I do. :)
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