Wilmington, DE -- There is more sticker shock at the pump as gasoline prices hit another record high.
Recent prices have surpassed 3 dollars in many locations in our area. The recent surge in gas prices has left many in utter shock.
Mr. Andre Hemphill drove a 1993 Honda Civic, a car his wife says he bought because it was “good on gas”.
But what Andre Hemphill found at the Gas-n-Go late Sunday put him in shock. A shock, police say which was responsible for setting off a chain of unfortunate events late yesterday afternoon.
“Oh yeah, Dre comes in every Sunday” said Gas-n-Go station attendant Billy Ray. “He likes to get his gas here because we’re close to his house, and we always have a competitive price [for our gasoline]”.
According to police records Mr. Hemphill pulled into the Gas-n-Go at around 7:30 p.m. Sunday, and parked his 1993 Honda Civic next to gas pump #3.
“That’s the pump he always uses. I think he has OCD” Mr. Ray told police.
According to the police report, “At that time the individual (Mr. Hemphill) left his car and looked up at the sign that indicates the cost per gallon of Gas-n-Go’s gasoline products. It was at that time that Mr. Hemphill became shocked at the high prices”.
It is unclear whether the sticker shock that ignited the inferno was a result of the $3.09 regular unleaded, or if Mr. Hemphill noticed the $3.39 price per gallon of the premium unleaded.
“Everyone knows that electricity and gasoline don't mix. He was a nice man” Ray told firefighters at the scene of the horrific hellfire.
Having just put $50 worth of gas in my car yesterday, I so feel Mr. Hemphill's pain. Even more pain, the exact same place where I filled up yesterday went up 4 cents this morning -- what the fuck!
I guess it proves the point everyone was making that Bush invaded Iraq for oil. Now that we have so much more oil all we have to do is stand by and wait for the prices to start falling....
... well I'm sure it takes a little while. But any minute now...
Gee, And here I thought Bush was trying to get the price of oil to go up to help all his Texas Billionaire friends. How'd I screw THAT up?
Well, at least he's not trying to make perscription drug costs go up for his buddies on the Board of Lilly Pharmacuticals. Huh? Perscription prices are up because of Bush? What? His buddies on the board are swimming in cash? HUH? Bush's pals are holding stock options for him and are burying money in his back yard as we speak?
Oh ok. Nevermind then . . .
You didn't think that! You thought that since he and all his Texas Billionaire friends "owned" the oil companies, they would want to invade Iraq to get more of it. Since price is a function of supply and demand, the prevailing conspiracy theory was that prices would go down. I didn't hear one person say, "Bush is just invading Iraq so they can charge more for oil". Give me a break and cut the horse shit.
Sorry can't cut the horse-shit. I'm in the horse-shit business. I sell it by the hour.
yeah good point (I don't sell it, I just make it and let my boss sell it).
some time ago I saw people on the news complaining about the war and how it was only being done so that the rich oil barons could get their hands on more oil. Which I suppose is feasible. But then I saw a report on how the price of gas has gone up so much recently and they interviewed a woman who was saying she thought it was the war that caused the surge in gas prices. So which is it?
To me, the point is Exxon Mobile has profits of however many billion last quarter and yet the prices are so high - something's wrong, I'll admit. Still I am suspicious of people who blame everything on some conspiracy. That's no better than Rush Limbaugh -- he thinks everything bad was Clinton's fault. You mean Clinton really was evil and wanted to harm our country? Really? I mean I don't like Clinton, but c'mon. Clinton really killed or had killed a bunch of people while he was in office? Really? I'm hearing this same horse shit now about Bush.
I agree with you. I don't understand how the oil companies can be making record profits when the price is so high. You don't have to be a math genius to figure out that if they're making record profits, it has to be because they're experiencing record margins between cost of supply and what they're selling it for.
I actually sent letters to all my congressmen and senators screaming for an inquiry. I yelled and demanded justice! I insisted that something be done about the atrocity! Then my Exxon/Mobil dividend check came in the mail and I wondered what the fuss was all about . . .
you boys feel better? Gas just went up another 4 cents at my local WAWA -- why 4 cents each time? Is there something mystical abt the number 4? Does 4 seem so much less than 5 cents -- I mean that's a whole nickel. 4 is just 4 measily pennies, you'll never notice. By my calculations it's up 8 cents since Sunday. Any guesses on wht it will be by Memorial Day because we all know the price is always higher on holidays.
P.S. Clinton was a lover not a killer while in office, remember...
I have no predictions on where the price will top out, except that it will continue to go up as long as it is below the price at which people will curb their use of it. I'm going to keep paying for it no matter how high it goes because I have to get to work. I think it would have to be over 10 bucks a gallon before I would consider going back to public transportation. I suspect a lot of other Americans feel the same way.
No matter who you like or don't like as past (and present) presidents go, one thing is for sure: Be wary of those who seek power.
The price issue is interesting. I thought for sure when they started taxing the hell out of cigarettes that people would stop smoking. Boy was I wrong. I bet you people would give up buying all kinds of shit before they'd ever give up gasoline. We might all be driving shitty little hybrids but we'll be driving - that's for sure.
I bet you we'd stop eating real food before we'd start walking places instead of driving. We'd buy off-label no-name crap for food and ration it, before we'd stop driving.
Me? I have a big back yard, so I'm going to buy a horse so I can ride it to WaWa to get my coffee.
Nice. But I've crunched the numbers on horses and you blow your profit margin on hay.
I agree about taxing cigs - and liquor and gas. We love all of the above. We're Americans damnit. We only show up at work every day so we can afford to buy the gas to get us there, and the liquor and cigarettes to help us forget that we have to show up there every day.
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