Thursday, May 10, 2007

Two Girls Kissing

The chick on the right . . . is her nose too big?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post has been removed and now you can't see it asswipe!

4:50 PM  
Blogger S'girl said...

WOW, what exactly have you boys been up to? This morning bright and early I got to my computer and was able to turn on the video and watch it (actually, I cldn't watch the whole thing it was a bit boring -- not my thing). Altho I kept waiting for her nose to do something special, tht wld have been a nice touch (waiting for the joke I guess). Anyway, I checked just now to see wht kind of chatter you guys created and I see all these "posts deleted" -- makes a girl wonder. But the more intriguing thing is tht when I went to click on the video again (just to see if I missed anything during the 5 mins run time) evidently the company filter finally caught up w/the contents and I got the "access denied" screen. I guess you can view slutty things before the hour of 7am at my company but not later.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

S'Girl. Let me guess. You watched this with the volume off or all of the way down. If so, then this was a boring video. The background song is pretty funny (hence the post). My favorite is the sound of the little kitten meeewing . . .

6:17 AM  
Blogger S'girl said...

you're right -- no volume. Tried again w/volume -- humor duly noted ("poor wittle putty tat")

11:24 AM  

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