New Jersey Reacts To Governor’s 'I Should Be Dead' Message
"I'm New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, and I should be dead."
That's how Corzine's new public service announcement promoting seat belt use begins, and many in the viewing area will hear it on the radio and television stations across the country, starting Thursday.
“We’re New Jersey Citizens, and we think you should keep trying, you monkey balling tit biggler” New Jersey said after hearing Corzine’s message.
Corzine was seriously injured in an April 12 car crash in which he wasn't wearing a seat belt, and now he's urging listeners to click it so they won't have to live with the mistake of not wearing a seat belt.
New Jersey: “Thank you for sharing your 20/20 hindsight with us. We don’t care that you almost died. We would have replaced you with another useless and overpaid governor in like 10 minutes flat. Do you know how many married men with girlfriends and checkered pasts are in line waiting to run the filthiest and most corrupt state in the union? Fuhgetaboutit.”
The governor worked with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration to produce the message, which was targeted for release just before the big Memorial Day travel weekend.
It's also meant to reinforce the current "Click It or Ticket" seat belt enforcement campaign by law enforcement agencies across the country.
“It took a remarkable team of doctors and a series of miracles to save my life, when all I needed was a seat belt,” Corzine said in the announcement.
“And all we need are ear plugs whenever we see your pansy-ass whining on your stupid commercial”, New Jersey opined.
And Corzine’s PSA brought at least one person to tears.
“It's hard because he would have been dead, but now he knows to wear a seat belt,” Lisa Davidson of Pennsauken, said. “I hope he does it from now on.”
Davidson was in a serious crash herself once and recalled the pain of staring death in the eye.
“I've been in that position,” she said. “I was in a bad accident. I should be dead myself, but because I had a seat belt on, it saved my life.”
New Jersey: “I wish Lisa Davidson forgot to wear her seatbelt that day”.
Davidson said she hopes drivers who don’t wear seat belts will take another look at a man who got a second chance of life.
“I hope people listen and take it seriously,” she said. “How you can lose your life by something small like that, but not wearing a seat belt.”
New Jersey: “Yeah, you dumb ass. You can lose your life by playing with rocket fuel too. What an ass-wipe, seriously.”
That's how Corzine's new public service announcement promoting seat belt use begins, and many in the viewing area will hear it on the radio and television stations across the country, starting Thursday.
“We’re New Jersey Citizens, and we think you should keep trying, you monkey balling tit biggler” New Jersey said after hearing Corzine’s message.
Corzine was seriously injured in an April 12 car crash in which he wasn't wearing a seat belt, and now he's urging listeners to click it so they won't have to live with the mistake of not wearing a seat belt.
New Jersey: “Thank you for sharing your 20/20 hindsight with us. We don’t care that you almost died. We would have replaced you with another useless and overpaid governor in like 10 minutes flat. Do you know how many married men with girlfriends and checkered pasts are in line waiting to run the filthiest and most corrupt state in the union? Fuhgetaboutit.”
The governor worked with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration to produce the message, which was targeted for release just before the big Memorial Day travel weekend.
It's also meant to reinforce the current "Click It or Ticket" seat belt enforcement campaign by law enforcement agencies across the country.
“It took a remarkable team of doctors and a series of miracles to save my life, when all I needed was a seat belt,” Corzine said in the announcement.
“And all we need are ear plugs whenever we see your pansy-ass whining on your stupid commercial”, New Jersey opined.
And Corzine’s PSA brought at least one person to tears.
“It's hard because he would have been dead, but now he knows to wear a seat belt,” Lisa Davidson of Pennsauken, said. “I hope he does it from now on.”
Davidson was in a serious crash herself once and recalled the pain of staring death in the eye.
“I've been in that position,” she said. “I was in a bad accident. I should be dead myself, but because I had a seat belt on, it saved my life.”
New Jersey: “I wish Lisa Davidson forgot to wear her seatbelt that day”.
Davidson said she hopes drivers who don’t wear seat belts will take another look at a man who got a second chance of life.
“I hope people listen and take it seriously,” she said. “How you can lose your life by something small like that, but not wearing a seat belt.”
New Jersey: “Yeah, you dumb ass. You can lose your life by playing with rocket fuel too. What an ass-wipe, seriously.”
I heard that McGreevey called Corzine and reminded him to "Really pound this message in. Pound it harder".
Brilliant! Brilliant! I think you're ready for prime time. You are finally consistantly funny!
This was a very good piece. I laughed all the way to the end. But don't worry, when I got there I stopped.
P.S. Thanks McGreevey. We' knew you'd be behind Corzine on this!
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