How to Survive the Hilocaust

Then again, if you have guns, you can take water from others.
Next thing we’ll need to do is buy ammunition. Sooner or later the jack-booted thugs are going to come a calling, and they’re going to want to round up all of our guns. Make sure you have plenty ammo around so you can shoot them.
Burn your books now. When the hell beast takes office, there will likely be a list of forbidden books you’ll have to destroy. My theory is, burn it now, save time later. Start out with your radical religious books (you know, the Bible, your pseudoscientific creation institute propagana, your hunting magazines, etc…) since they’ll be on the list of forbidden reading materials. Save all other books so you can start fires in your woodstove when we run out of heating oil.

In order to assimilate to the new regime, remove your right-wing bumper stickers from your car (“I Vote and I’m Pro-Life”, the Jesus fish, “Bush ‘04”, “amateurs built the ark, professionals built the titanic”, “Jesus is coming, Everyone look busy” “Answer my prayers, Steal this car!”, “Are you as close to Jesus as you are to my bumper”, “Atheism is a non-prophet organisation”, Jesus Loves You, But I’m His Favorite”).

Replace your religious bumper stickers with funny atheist bumper stickers that imply you are a non-believer, and you have a sense of humor (you know, "667, neighbor of the beast", “Jesus may love you, but he won’t respect you in the morning”, “Jesus paid the price, Visa declined”, “Can’t stop now, on my way to Hell!”, “Jesus Saves Sinners, and redeems them for valuable cash and prizes”, “Darwin Loves You”, “God is coming and She is pissed”, etc…).
Don't stop at your bumper stickers. Clothing is an important part of any demonophile.

Throw out any clothing that looks like you are not assimilating. That includes your plaid red jackets, denim-anything, camo clothing, tractor supply clothing, ‘Git-R-Done’ memorobilia, and anything that refers to country music, Nascar or Bass fishing.
What's Next?
Await further instruction from this blogsite. We will keep a close eye on Hilary Rodham Clinto for you, and we will provide updates as the situation warrants.
by: fileboy
I'm so glad that you didn't mention anything personal like that she's really a dyke (notthattheresanythingwrongwiththat)
or that her marriage is a sham
or that her husband is an idiot
or that she wears the pants in the pseudo-family
or that her daughter is perhaps a man
or that even saying President Rodham-Clinton is a joke and turns my stomach (I'm sorry- she dropped the Rodham AGAIN, didn't she?)
I'm glad you stuck to your "guns" on her stickupthebutt policies on gun control, stance on religion (or preference of a lack-thereof). However, you didn't mention that her liberal ideas towards dishing out money to immigrants and GIVING them immunity and GIVING them citizenship will put American in the proverbial HOLE even further
or that her welfare-to-work joke-of-a-program dishes out money to the undeserving, unwarranted, uninterested, unworking semi-worthless leeches (I only say "semi" because they may have valuable organs and therefore- when dead- will finally be able to contribute something to society) parastically feasting on the bloodline of America
or that immediate withdraw from Iraq would put us into a Vietnam realm wherein we would look weak in front of the world, wouldn't solve anything, would leave the Iraqi people stranded, would defeat any opportunity of democracy that they may have ever had, and would be admitting complete and total and utter defeat
or that her upfront, forceful, inyourface, angry, appendage-envy approach will not set well with foreign leaders and we will not be taken seriously and we will look even worse than we ever have before- even when her marionette of a husband was pretending to be President whilst she pulled the actual strings.
You make a lot of good points Addgirl, but I think you've lost sight of the real threat here. All of the things she stands for (or lies down for) are mere distractions from the real issues in her evil mind. You see, Hilary Clinto (aka "Apollyon") is only telling America what she has been told America wants to hear. None of this stuff matters anyway. Hilary Clinto (aka "Abaddon") is going to be elected and then we will have Armageddon after about 3 and a half years of good and plenty. We only have a few years before the fit hits the shan, so I'm merely trying to get the word out so we can all be prepared.
Also, to say her marriage is a sham may be true, but we should try to be Christian about it. I like to think that when the beast and the false prophet joined in their unholy mockery of the sacrament of marriage and begot the little demon cur (aka "Chelsea"), that it was willed of God, so that the fruit might taste the frost before the harvest, since that will sweeten the juice.
Now go buy some water and ammo.
I'm a hunter. I've got a camp with a fresh spring and enough ammo for everyone!!!
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