Friday, October 27, 2006

A word about the author


Thinks Farts and anything to do with them are the funniest things in the world.

Needs professional help on a regular basis.

Doesn’t want to cause anyone pain, but will laugh his ass off if you hurt yourself.

Owns every SpongeBob DVD and saw the movie.

Fired his family of origin years ago at the behest of his brilliant therapist and now works alone and likes it that way.

Took a crap on the side of a major highway in broad-daylight because the alternative was worse (and laughed like a mental patient for the next hour).

Wants the following to happen when he dies: Wrap him in a plain white shroud (no clothes) and burry him in a plain wood box (no nails, no hinges, no pillow). Place his entire Calvin and Hobbs comic book collection in the box with him. At the funeral, play Mozart’s Requiem Mass (Choral Arr.) as loud as tolerable. No eulogy. Crying optional.

Believes he hears the voice of God Almighty between and among the notes of some of the most outstanding musical compositions ever penned and weeps unabashedly while listening to this music by himself.

Is confused, because sometimes he cries when he listens to shitty music as well and doesn’t know what the fuck is going on.

Wishes he was a poet all of the time, not just when nobody is looking.

Loves cats, likes dogs, hates fish, unless fried or grilled with a little lemon and dill.

Never wants to go back.

Has only one true dear friend and is content with that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which highway? I thought I'd seen you before! Remember me? I beeped...

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had my van parked at an angle - it provided a modicum of privacy from traffic coming from the opposite direction. Traffic coming from the other direction had a pretty good view. I'm disappointed that you recognized me though. I thought my ridiculous posture accompanied by my silly hat eliminated all possibility of detection. CRAP!

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a friend who will probably be reading this post, but shall remain nameless, who had a similar problem with much less satisfactory results. It seems my friend had made a two hour trip to his parent's house for dinner. On his return trip the "dark brown poo-poo pains" hit right when he was passing the city of Chester. If you do not live in the area, and are unfamiliar with Chester, suffice it to say that he preferred to "hold it" until he got past Chester. His efforts, though valiant, were nontheless unsuccessful. He arrived home an hour later sitting in front of his home with a mess that could not be ignored. Being the ingenius fellow that he is, he "pegged" his pants (you know, think late 1980s when you rolled your pant legs up to make them tight and accent your argyle socks?) and made the fast walk into his home. He told me later that he just went right into the shower without taking off his clothes.

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, this is probably my favorite post on this site. Hillariously sad and maddeningly enlightening. Intrinsically open, and openly enigmatic. All with the brilliant darkness that is only D.Tkon.

12:41 PM  

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