File Boy-
An almost mythical figure, considered by many to be the best collater, stapler and copier for the price. Known to have filed 1,257 pages in one day, all while listening to Howard Stern on his walkman and ignoring the file room phone.
He developed an almost uncanny ability to detect stupidity in others during his years in the file room. He once made a co-worker cry when she overheard him describe her as "custodial" and opined that "they ought to prop her up in a wine barrel".
He enjoys ridicule, parody and hyperbole, though often he has been the brunt of said ridicule, parody and hyperbole. Pushes the envelope of intelligence by hopelessly clinging to his radical right-wing ideology.
He fights for his right to bear arms, though he considers the pen mightier than the sword. He likens his membership in this blog to be his membership in a not-so-well regulated militia of thought. He stands ready to mock, trash and rag-on anyone who shows weakness.
File Boy, is there any line he won't cross? Is there any challenge he won't surmount?
Why does File Boy shoot stuff? Because you gotta shoot something.
by File Boy
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