A Cat Runs Through It...
Yesterday I went home after work and took a walk around my property with my dog. The yard was covered in leaves. The wind was blowing and I could detect that smell of winter in the air. The clouds hung low in the sky and I saw virga etching the gray sky above, a presage of colder and snowier times to come.
I didn't let the dog off of her leash yesterday, though my custom is to allow her to run around the yard while I'm outside. I guess I didn't want to chance her running over to the neighbors for a nap behind his stupid f_cking shooting range.
I didn't want to do any yard work. So I decided to take the dog for a walk down the road. I think I took that walk for lack of anything else to do.
She tugged on her leash and pulled me forward down the lonely country road from which my driveway diverts. We crossed a small one-lane bridge overlooking a murky creek. The water was black and looked cold. I listened to the water gurgling in its path to bigger waters and thought about the detritus floating by. Those leaves, helpless to change course, floating towards another water, and another.
My dog and I walked further down the road, and came upon an overgrown field. The field was converting into a young set of woods, mostly new growth and scrub bushes. The land was choked with sweet gums, briars and weeds. No tree was taller than 15 feet. I heard something in the brush, apparently something scared by my approach. My dog was instantly quiet and we both watched the small trees and bushes bending as the animal made its escape. I wondered if it was a deer. I thought about how happy my dog was to be out with me, in these surroundings. She wasn't sad at all about Joey dying. The only thought on her mind was getting off the leash and chasing that animal in the brush.
We continued down the road a little further, then not seeing any reason to continue, I decided to turn around and head home.
Before I reached my driveway, I passed my neighbors house. I sheepishly glanced at his home. I was half afraid that I'd see my neighbor, and then I'd have to talk to him about the cat shooting incident. I am still not sure what I'll say to him when I see him. I don't want to see him.
The dog and I got to our house and went inside. I took her leash off and felt a minor blush of humilation when I saw my girlfriend, who could tell from looking at me that I hadn't yet talked to my neighbor.
I built a fire in the wood stove. I sat on the couch and looked at the fire dancing behind the sooty glass panes on the stove's doors. I remembered seeing Joey next to the wood stove so much last year that she seemed to be a permanent fixture there. I thought that maybe tomorrow I'd give some thought to getting a new kitten. An inside kitten.
by: File Boy
Hey Man! That's some really beautiful prose. But that goes on our OTHER site - WHY I WEAR A DRESS
I would definitely get another cat. But this time, instead of a furry mouse, give it a gun and a few lessons!!!
Yeah, I couldn't help it. I didn't think I could post anything funny til I posted one more sappy tribute to my cat. Loved that cat.
I'm sorry abt your cat, but enuf already. Strap on a couple and go over there and tell the jerk he shot your cat. If you can't do it for your dearly departed cat, think abt your dog. Do you want him to never run free on your property again because you're afraid he'll get shot too?
And tell me again why you shoot deer? It can't be for the meat -- the stores are full of meat. I'm thinking it's more of a male hormone thing.
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I'll talk to the neighbor about it, but there isn't anything that he has done wrong. Its akin to having a pet run over in the street. The driver was driving legally. The pet was at fault. Same thing here, my neighbor has a right to shoot his guns and my pet was on his property. Me telling him he shot my cat is just so I can face him again. Whether I tell him or not has no bearing on my dog. I'll forever need to be careful letting any animal over there.
I shoot deer because I enjoy it. I enjoy being in the woods, and I enjoy the camaraderie with other hunters. Everyone you know is here because someone killed something else. I'm more in tune with it than you are (I'm guessing). The stores are full of meat, that's true. Meat that came from animals that were raised in an inhumane pen, were never wild and were killed in a way that is often inhumane (chicken hanging from hooks). At least the deer I shoot are able to be wild while they are alive. And, finally, I can give you dozens of reasons why deer meat is better than store-bought meat. But I'll just give you two. There are no hormones or chemicals added to deer meat, and deer is less fattening than fish.
wait, does the s' stand for slutty, s'girl?
Wow -- feel better? Kinda liked the vegetarian rant, but wait you eat meat right? Or only meat tht was killed by a bunch of guys who hang out in the woods wearing funky clothes accented in bright orange and carrying a really big gun? I love the caveman attitude.
And BTW, I realize the guy doesn't hold any liability for killing your cat, I'm more concerned tht he just walked away once he realized he shot something.
"S" for slutty, how clever -- why didn't I think of tht?
Hey this is great!! But somebody forgot to say "Jane you ignorant Slut!" (That wasn't directed at S'Girl - it just needs to be said).
I say, let the meat eaters buy their meat and be pro-abortion and let the hunters sneek up on their meat and kill it and blow up abortion clinics!
There. Now I feel better too.
One thing I have noticed over the years, most people who are against hunting are pro-abortion. Seems counterintuitive to be pro-animal and anti-human. Although, I'll agree that animals do not deserve to suffer, while the same cannot be said for many humans.
S'girl, do you eat meat? Meat killed by a bunch of guys who hang out in butcher shops wearing white butcher uniforms? Yeah, I see how that makes more sense.
file boy -- you have me pegged wrong. Although I may not understand hunting and the associated paraphernalia tht goes w/it, I do understand your desire (need) to hunt and I wld never attempt to take tht away from you or anyone else. Just as I understand it is a woman's right to have an abortion, I know tht I personally cld not have one but I wld still fight to let others have one if they chose.
As for me eating meat -- I eat all kinds of meat!
s'girl, I appreciate your words of understanding. I too would fight to keep the right of a woman to enjoy abortions.
What I meant was, "fight to keep the right to have happy abortions".
...kinda like getting your cat spayed?
I definitely shouldn't have said that, and I feel bad. But you have to admit, just saying "happy abortion" makes you smile. Doesn't it? Try it. happy abortion. c'mon that's funny.
Seriously, I apologize for that.
...ok, I'll give you tht one. (I'd make one of those stupid icons showing a smiling face with colons and parenthesis but I really hate those f*cking things so just use your imagination.)
Hey S'girl... Since when do cats or dogs get spayed while actually pregnant? In fact I'm almost positive you spay and neuter pets before they even reach maturity. Come on, haven't you ever seen The Price Is Right? Bob Barker? Ring any bells? He is always reminding us to be responsible pet owners by having our pets spayed or neutered. Since you've compared abortions to having a cat spayed, are you saying Bob should end each show with a friendly reminder to parents? "Please be a responsible parent, remember to take your hussy of a daughter for her abortion promptly after getting knocked-up." Not sure how that will go over with CBS execs?
I didn't get the "kinda like getting your cat spayed reference, either, hot sauce. But to be honest, I shouldn't have been saying I'd fight for the right to enjoy happy abortions. That was just ridiculous. Abortions aren't meant to be happy, they're meant to be refreshing. OK Now I'm going to stop saying stupid things like that. I apologize to everyone I've offended. Now I'm refreshed and happy.
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