Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Only Stupid Question Is The One You Don't Ask . . .

Here's a doctor with a sense of humor. I can't tell if he loves his job or hates it. People send him e-mails asking him if he thinks they'll catch AIDS because of some stupid behavior. The questions posted at the doctor's website may be from some of the dumbest people on the planet. Thank God for natural selection.

Click on this --->

3 outta 5 Shotgun Shells.

by D. Tkon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed the question from the guy who took a dump in an apartment, looked into the medicine cabinet and saw HIV medication, and then wrote in to the doctor with a question about whether or not he could catch AIDS from "toilet water splashing his anus". We can only hope so.

1:12 PM  

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