Death Row Wednesday is a new weekly post that explores the macabre issue of Capital Punishment – not in terms of thumbs up or thumbs down, but rather, what would you choose for your last meal if you found yourself on death’s door?
You’re invited to post a comment consistent with the theme of the week. So this week be sure to tell us what you would want to be on your plate if you were about to meet your fate! For inspiration, you can check out some famous last meals enjoyed by some notorious criminals. My favorite is “A single olive.” You’ve got to love a guy who’s watching his cholesterol AND his weight while on death row! (If you can't get enough of this - click here Texas Inmate last meals .)
One of the funniest last meals was consumed by Leon Jerome Moser: He ate A large cheese pizza, cheese slices, cold cuts, pasta salad, iced cup cakes and a 2-litre bottle of Coca-Cola. The ensuing belch killed two of his jailors and disabled a third, allowing Moser to escape. He was immediately apprehended twelve hundred feet from the prison. Moser was holed up in the mens-room stall at the local Gas-n-Go. Apparently, the eppicurian combination produced a lethal amount of intestinal gas. Prison guards broke down the door after repeated calls for surrender went unanswered. Moser had expired in his own impromtu gas-chamber. Several guards were overcome by fumes – one succumbed to his injuries. Consequently, the above menu items were removed from the “last meal” menu.
For my last meal, I think I'd swallow a bottle of Ritalin and a triple espresso from Starbucks. However, presuming we'd have a little trouble getting Warden approval, I'd probably go with my second choice – two hotdogs (from the closest ballpark) with French’s yellow mustard, a plate of lasagna, and a wheelbarrow full of Brewster’s butter pecan ice cream.
Also, we will spotlight one current death row inmate each week, either because he is funny looking or has achieved notoriety because of the facts earning him a spot on death row.
This week’s winner satisfied both criteria. Christopher Jay Swift is currently sitting on Texas’ Death Row. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice summarizes his shenanigans as follows:
On 4/29/2003 in Denton County, Texas, Swift killed his wife, a twenty-nine year old white female, by strangling her with his hands and striking her in the face with his fist approximately five times. Swift also killed his mother-in-law by strangling her with his hands.
I don’t know what to say . . . Somehow this makes sense to me.
Here’s an interesting fact --
Lethal Injection Consists Of:
Sodium Thiopental (lethal dose - sedates person)
Pancuronium Bromide (muscle relaxant-collapses diaphragm and lungs)
Potassium Chloride (stops heart beat)
The offender is usually pronounced dead approximately 7 minutes after the lethal injection begins.
Cost per execution for drugs used : $86.08
The problem is only 63% is covered by insurance.
By D.Tkon
Brilliant! You know, contrary to my ultra-conservative upbringing, I am inclined to be against the death penalty. I think having this stance is more in keeping with my other pro-life ideologies. I always wondered why people who are anti-abortion (because of the sanctity of life) are pro-death penalty? Hmmmm....
I'm excited to profile death row inmates, especially the ones who are funny looking. I'm looking at you Mr. Richard Reid.
Wait a minute, you can order booze as part of your last meal (Gary Gilmore: Hamburger, eggs, a baked potato, coffee and three shots of whiskey)? That changes everything. I'd just order some exotic microbrew that would take a year to find. And how about the balls on this guy - Josh Cooper: Taco Bell's Cheesey Stuffed Potato and 1/2 Pound Bean Burrito Especial with no onions. Dead man stinkin. "cssht, aw, yeah we have a mess on the green mile. Orderlies to the "brown" mile for clean up, cssht".
According to my measurements of Mr. Swift's skull (using my craniology calipers), I'm wondering why someone didn't see this coming? I think his right eye is a full 1.3 inches lower than his left eye.
I don’t give a crap whether you’re thumbs up or thumbs down. I just want to know what you’d order! Is that really it? Just a rare micro brew? C’mon! What’s on YOUR plate? I love this post. I’m wondering if there’s a whole blog around this topic!!!
I'll have to give it some serious thought, but the knee-jerk response is:
Large pizza, extra cheese and pepperoni with a side order of Mega fries (three cheeses, bacon bits). Possibly some jalepeno poppers.
On the other hand, since I'm angry that its my last meal, I might opt for something really messy. Then assuming its an electric chair, they'd have to scrape me and my meal off the floors. I would want something that would be festering in my gut. Something that I have to clench to keep in. Then when they threw the switch I would evacuate all over the place. The room would look like someone threw a water balloon filled with chili in there. I guess that's my answer. A nice bowl of Ass chili.
I'm thinking a bottle of gin and a big bowl of popcorn wld do it for me. I'm not really interested in leaving behind any "remnants" for others, but I wld at least like to go out w/a big smile feeling no pain.
s'girl, we'd all like to see you go out with a big smile feeling no pain. Preferably sooner than later.
File Boy - I think you should be nice to S'Girl. In case you haven't noticed - she's our only fan!
You're right D.Tkon. S'girl, I'm sorry I took a shot at you. But, this is the site about why we shoot things. If anything has been driven home this week, its that you can't walk (or take a nap) in front of a shooting range and not expect some shrapnel.
file boy: don't worry, if I cldn't take the hits I wldn't have logged onto a site abt shooting now wld I -- unless of course I was into pain, but I think tht's the other site.
Besides, I think you guys need me to bring an occasional drop of estrogen into your make-believe world...
S'Girl: Your comments are witty, appropriate and much appreciated. That said, the abbr's have to go. You're making me go blind. ;-p
Sorry d.thkon, I wish I cld get rid of the abbreviations but I can't (long history w/dyslexia). If I stop to think how something is spelled, I'll loose the thought and we wldn't want tht, wld we? (Wld we?) If you think my typing sucks, you shld see my handwriting -- I have my own abbreviations and symbols for writing! Besides if you can use the "cute" icons and I have to interpret them, you can deal w/a few dropped vowels and consonants from time to time.
Fairly stated! >affirmative nod<
If I was allergic to shellfish, that's what I'd order. Screw the court system- I'd kill myself so that they wouldn't have the satisfaction. Unless I was innocent. Then I would order half of a grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of tomato soup. Not because I like it but because it's the most innocent meal I can think of.
The thing is that I'm from MD, so I'd get what they gave me.
But I'm originally from PA. So if I kill someone from PA in MD but bury the body in PA, where do I get tried? Anyway, if I had a choice and since I love Thai food it would be Tom Kha Gai, chicken Panang and 1/2 gallon of Breyer's Dulce de Leche. But I wouldn't eat the ice cream, really I'd just smear it all over so I'd be sticky and then I'd just keep touching things and getting sticky everywhere.
I love it that addgirl wouldn't eat the ice cream - she's just making everything sticky. How many damn people do we have pass through our lives, not doing what they're supposed to be doing and making everything "sticky". File boy is right Addgirl - we love you!
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