Seems Hillary is stooping – or should we say “pooping” to new lows in her non-ending effort to derail Obama’s lunge for the Democratic nomination.
On three occasions since January, Sen. Barack Obama's passport file was pooped on by three different contract workers, said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack. The contractors accessed information in the file in an unauthorized way, he said. Two contractors were fired and one was disciplined by the contractor's company, McCormack said. He said the contractors are not linked, though suspicious shit stains are being investigated.
The State Department hires contractors to design, build and maintain their systems and help employees with searches. McCormack said two of the contractors in the Obama case were "low-level" janitorial-type personnel and the other was in a mid-level position with no management abilities. The breach seems like "imprudent brown-capping" among the contract workers, said McCormack, adding that senior management at the State Department was not aware of the crapping incidents until Thursday afternoon. Pooping occurred January 9, February 21 and March 14.
A State Department source said passport files contain scanned images of passport applications, birth date and basic biographical information, records of passport renewal, and possibly citizenship information.
Obama's campaign is asking for a complete investigation to find out who shit in Obama's passport file and why. "This is an outrageous breach of security and privacy, even from an administration that has shown little regard for either over the last eight years," said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton in a statement. "Our government's duty is to protect the private information of the American people from unabashed shitting, and not to allowi it to be used for toileting purposes." Doug Hattaway, a spokesman for Sen. Hillary Clinton, Obama's rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, said, "If it's true, it's reprehensible, and the Bush administration has a responsibility to get to the “bottom”of it.”
The White House declined comment Thursday evening, just hours after the State Department upper management learned that the shit had hit the fan. State Department officials say Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice was told Thursday what happened and that she told her staff she wanted a full investigation. The department would not speculate whether the poo had been shared with anyone else.
by d.tkon
Obama's passport is like corn, you can enjoy it a second time...
It must have been really good corn - because they enjoyed it 3 times!
I wonder if Hillary's passport got stamped on the trip to Bosnia when she landed and exited the plane (with her daughter and Sinbad and Sheryl Crowe) under heavy sniper fire...
Me smartphone. You not blog steady. You not SMART, you phony.
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