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(Geek defined by Wikipedia, with comments)
A geek is an individual who is fascinated, perhaps obsessively, by obscure or very specific areas of knowledge and imagination, usually electronic or virtual in nature (but this likely includes weather fascination). Geek may not always have the same meaning as the term nerd. The Merriam-Webster definitions are
"1: a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken or snake (I like snakes and go out of my way to help them - take for instance my association with DTkon, for example).
2: a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked (Well, I am disliked, but the "intellectual bent" part seems to be describing someone else)
3: an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity," (so if you enjoy or are enthused by activities, you're a geek? dang it. I like activities. I enjoy enthusiasm. I even get enthused on a daily basis. I wouldn't consider myself an expert in anything though, other than how to waste time. But then again, when I start to think about wasting time, I get all enthused over it and that puts me back to square one.)
by File Boy
File Boy... You're such a geek!
Your mom's a geek
I can admit I'm a geek now. I just didn't know it yesterday. But I'm ok with it. I think half the battle is just coming to terms with the realization that you are in fact a geek. After that, the sting of society's disapproval quickly wears-off. Besides, I don't want to hear from you when you aren't dressed appropriately for a snow storm or you need to know when hunting season starts, because I'll be all nice and cosy hanging out in my tree stand with my winter coat on and you'll be all cold out on the streets of some mean city trying to sell your body so you can afford some crack rocks and you'll be cold and tired sleeping on the storm grates. You'll have to use plastic sandwich bags on your shoes to keep all of that icy cold slush from pouring in through the soles of your worn-out shoes. Then you'll totally rue the day you made fun of all of us "geeks".
Hey File-Geek... Learn to take a joke much?
Hey Geek,
Food for thought:
Eat me raw
Balls and all
Don't stop there
Floss on my butt hair
Hey Long Dong,
Where have you been? Long time no see. You are truely the master of all dongs and a dong of many skills. I have one for the geek to ponder over also. By the way geek I know who you are and I am watching you, you little he-bitch. I like to call this
"Ode to Yo Mama"
Aint yo mama pretty
She got meatballs for her titties
She has scrambled eggs
Between her legs
Aint yo mama pretty
I took her to a party
She turned around and farted
I axed her why she did it
The ho turned around and shitted
My comment was directed at s'girl who called me a geek in the first place. I was just letting her know (and anyone else who shares her opinion) that she better not come crying to the geeks looking for help with what to wear in cold weather.
AT ME? I don't think I called you a geek, I asked if you were afraid of being a geek but I don't think I called you a geek. Besides, I'm not sure there is really anything wrong w/being a geek (some of my favorite people are geeks). I think I'd rather be a geek than a "dick-nosed ass clown" who writes really bad poetry.
P.S. Just for the record, I printed out your chart with what to wear during the end of January and most of February. I was most appreciative!
That's good to hear S'girl. I'm glad the weather predictions worked out. Your comment was something like, "why didn't you go to meteorology school, were you afraid you'd be a geek? That couldn't be it" which prompted me to look into whether or not I was in fact a geek, by the accepted definition. Half way through the process of researching it, I realized that by researching it at all, I was in fact already confirming my geekiness. As I am doing now with this long winded blah blah blah,...any questions?
Oh and before I forget, its nice to have you aboard, long dong and dick-nosed ass clown. We're glad you've stopped by with some rhymes. I've always said that the best way to get your point across is with poetry. That and through song. I wonder why no one ever sings me any nice songs...
Fileboy, I'd sing you a song, but I can tell by the time of your last post that you have flown out the door and therefore my tune wld land on empty space. And tomorrow is another day and another rant. Sorry.
S' Girl
I am sensing some tone and frustration from your comment. Maybe its because you have scrambled eggs between your legs. Don't be upset however because I have created a poem just for you. I call it:
"You lazy ho, keep your hands out of your pants and do some F'ing work"
There once was a girl from Peru
Who said she had nothing to do
She sat on some stairs
And counted cunt hairs
Three-thousand six hundred and two
and by the way geek don't think for 1 minute that I could forget about you. I bet this scenario has played through your wet dreams quite a bit. Here goes
There once was a Vulcan named Spock
Who tried stroking his monstrous cock
With lust went berserk
And beseeched Captain Kirk,
"Bend over, this shuttle must dock!"
hey long dong, can you hold my tie while I puke?
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