What it means to be a “Democrat”
I think a lot of people who are Democrats probably don’t realize that they are following lockstep behind the Beast prophesized in the book of Revelations in the New Testament. It’s not their fault though, I’m sure no one ever took the time to explain this to them. Since this blog is the last bastion of truth, and since I know you turn to us for help in these trying times, I will endeavor to make it all plain for you, our lone reader.
Let’s begin by taking a look at the definition of the term. Merriams defines “Democrat” as "an adherant of the Democratic Party".
Hmmm..."Democratic Party" eh? "Adherant" you say? More like worshiper of evil!
Just take a look at how Merriams is trying to hide the truth! “Democratic” is defined as “of or relating to one of the two major political parties in the United States evolving in the early 19th century from the anti-federalists and the Democratic-Republican party and associated in modern times with …the blah blah blah”. But is that all there is to this word?
No! I decided to delve deeper into this word because terms don’t just appear out of thin air with no story behind them. Not to say that the word isn’t perfectly cromulent in its own right, but there must be more to the story.
Using the principles of theoretical linguistics and morphology and good, old-fashioned Republican ingenuity, I took a closer look at the term “Democratic”. What I saw may shock you.
In this following segment, I recommend that you ask your children to look away from the computer monitor.
Democratic sounds a lot like “Demon Crack Addict” if you ask me. Maybe a little too much like it. You can clearly see the beginnings of the term. I can easily imagine a time in the early 1800s when an anti-federalist person might have gone to town to cast his honest vote but all of a sudden some Democrat guy comes up (apparently having escaped from the bottomless pit to work his evil deeds) and he’s all like “hey anti-federalist, why don't you vote for the democrats and we’ll give you universal health care and lollipops for all the babies”.

Evil lollipops given out to babies of honest folk, in an attempt to mislead you. Eat not of these forbidden fruity candies.
Then the honest, hard-working anti-federalist guy probably was like, “No way you demon crack addict”. Then he’d go home to his paid-for house and his wife that he never cheats on and say, “Today when I went to cast my vote I happened upon one of those Democrats. Those sick and twisted “demon crack addicts”.
Over the years this term has undoubtedly morphed from “demon crack addict” to demoncracktic and later to demoncratic and finally democrat. It’s an obvious leap.
Please be careful whenever you encounter a Democrat. They have ways of luring you into a false sense of security, and then WHAM! You're in hell.
by: fileboy
by: fileboy